Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Der Mond ist aufgegangen

My dear readers, I am now in the process of trying to translate this piece of text. So, I'm putting this up here for my reference.

Der Mond ist aufgegangen
Matthias Claudius, 1779

1. Der Mond ist aufgegangen,
die goldnen Sternlein prangen
am Himmel hell und klar.
Der Wald steht schwarz und schweiget,
und aus den Wiesen steiget
der weiße Nebel wunderbar.

2. Wie ist die Welt so stille
und in der Dämmrung Hülle
so traulich und so hold
als eine stille Kammer,
wo ihr des Tages Jammer
verschlafen und vergessen sollt.

3. Seht ihr den Mond dort stehen?
Er ist nur halb zu sehen
und ist doch rund und schön.
So sind wohl manche Sachen,
die wir getrost belachen,
weil unsre Augen sie nicht sehn.

4. Wir stolzen Menschenkinder
sind eitel arme Sünder
und wissen gar nicht viel.
Wir spinnen Luftgespinste
und suchen viele Künste
und kommen weiter von dem Ziel.

5. Gott, laß dein Heil uns schauen,
auf nichts Vergänglichs trauen,
nicht Eitelkeit uns freun;
laß uns einfältig werden
und vor dir hier auf Erden
wie Kinder fromm und fröhlich sein.

6. Wollst endlich sonder Grämen
aus dieser Welt uns nehmen
durch einen sanften Tod;
und wenn du uns genommen,
laß uns in' Himmel kommen,
du unser Herr und unser Gott.

7. So legt euch denn, ihr Brüder,
in Gottes Namen nieder;
kalt ist der Abendhauch.
Verschon uns, Gott, mit Strafen
und laß uns ruhig schlafen.
Und unsern kranken Nachbarn auch!

Der Mond Ist Aufgegangen from Dombaumeister Gerhard on Vimeo.

I like the way the images of the moon move throughout the whole video :))


Saturday, April 24, 2010

St. Thérèse, Ora pro nobis

St. Thérèse, the Little Flower,
Please pick me a rose from the heavenly garden and send it to me with a message of love. Ask God to grant me the favour I thee implore, and tell Him that I love Him more and more.
Dankeschoen. :))
Rachel Anne-Thérèse
Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Anne, Therese, I love You; Save Souls!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Results of the Rosary Crusade


Ave Maria, Gratia Plena, Dominus tecum, Benedictatu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Jesus.

Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, Ora pro nobis, peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae.



What are the results of the Rosary Crusade?

The General House of the Society of Saint Pius X [SSPX], in Menzingen, has lately been receiving from all over the world the results of the Rosary Crusade launched by its General Superior, Bishop Bernard Fellay. This crusade lasted from May 1, 2009, to March 25, 2010; its goal was to ask for the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Supreme Pontiff and all the bishops of the Catholic world, in accordance with the message of Fatima in which Our Lady herself announced the final triumph of her Immaculate Heart.

To date we have only a provisional count, as all the results have not yet been tallied. However, DICI is delighted to announce to its readers, in this exclusive news report, that the goal of 12 million rosaries, which were to form a crown of 12 stars for Mary, Queen of Heaven, has been surpassed by far, since more than 18 million rosaries have already been reported. Among the districts that sent in their results, we should note the generosity of the United States (5,351,500), Africa (2,815,350), France (2,766,709) and Asia (2,538,200). Next come Canada (717,000), Germany (680,000), South America (536,480), Switzerland (411,000), Australia (402,000), Mexico (332,800), Great Britain (218,116), Italy (215,000), Ireland (136,190)….

Once a definitive count is obtained, this crown of rosaries recited around the world, over the course of nearly a year, will be presented to the Holy Father by Bishop Fellay. Profound thanks to all the Rosary crusaders for their admirable Marian fervor !

Fr. Alain Lorans

(DICI Newsletter #213)


WHOOPEE! If more than 18 million Rosaries have been said for this intention! What more of the many said but uncounted ones ... this means many many manny rosaries have been said. Wunderbar! :)) Perfecto!

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Anne, Therese, I love You; Save Souls!

Jesu mitis et humilis Corde, Fac cor nostrum secundum Cor tuum. (ter)

Deus propitius esto mihi peccatori.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The life of Fr de Smet

Low Sunday
St. Leo I - Pope, Confessor, Doctor
The Life of Father De Smet, S.J.
Father De Smet, traveled through wilderness in summer and winter, braving hardships and often going without food for days. His life is full of adventure but the most edifying part of his life is his great work as a missionary, converting thousands of Indians to the Catholic Faith. Fr. De Smet's edifying life and marvelous works are contained in the excellent book "The Life of Father De Smet, S.J. - Apostle of the Rocky Mountains 1801-1873" by Fr. E. Laveille, S.J. with imprimatur dated November 1915 which the following is taken from:
The Flathead Indians lived on the Eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains. They had heard of the Great Spirit and the Black Robes from the Iroquois Indians who had migrated to this region from Canada. The Iroquois had come under the influence of the North American Martyrs in the 17th Century. The Flatheads had sterling qualities . . . living for the most part by Christian principles. They were very anxious to be taught the Catholic Faith to obtain eternal salvation. They sent four different delegations over a period of eight years to St. Louis begging for priests before it was possible for the Jesuits to send one due to the shortage of priests. Finally Fr. De Smet was chosen leaving St. Louis, with the delegation of Flatheads, on March 27, 1840 arriving at the Indian camp on July 11, 1840. The Flatheads, Pend d'Oreilles, and Nez Perces came from a distance of eight hundred miles to meet them, and in their midst Father De Smet tasted the purest joys of his apostolic life. ! He himself shall tell us of it.
"The poles were already set up for my tent, and upon my arrival, men, women, and children, sixteen hundred souls in all, came to shake hands with me and bid me welcome. The old men cried for joy, and the children expressed gladness by gambols and screams of delight. These kind Indians conducted me to the tent of the great chief, a patriarchal person called Big Face, who, surrounded by his council, received me with great cordiality. 'Black Robe,' he said, 'welcome to my nation. Our hearts rejoice, for today the Great Spirit has granted our petition. You have come to a people poor, plain, and submerged in the darkness of ignorance. I have always exhorted my children to love the Great Spirit. We know that all that exists belongs to Him and everything we have comes from His generous hands. From time to time kind white men have given us good advice, which we have striven to follow. Our ardent desire to be instructed in what concerns our salvation has led us on several o! ccasions to send a deputation of our people to the great Black Robe of St. Louis to ask him to send a priest. Black Robe, speak! We are all your children. Show us the path we must follow to reach the place where abides the Great Spirit. Our ears are open, our hearts will heed your words! Speak, Black Robe! We will follow the words of your mouth!'
"I then spoke at length to these good people upon the subject of religion. I told them the object of my mission, and asked them to give up their wandering life and settle in a fertile district. All declared themselves ready and willing to exchange the bow and arrow for the spade and the plow. I drew up a set of rules for the religious exercises. One of the chiefs immediately brought me a bell, and that first evening it called the Indians to assemble around my tent. After a short instruction, night prayers were said. Before retiring they sang in admirable harmony three hymns in praise of the Great Spirit of their own composition. No words can express how deeply I was touched.
"The great chief was up every morning at daybreak. He would mount his horse and make the tour of the camp, haranguing his people: 'Come,' said he, 'courage, my children! Tell Him you love Him, and ask Him to make you charitable! Courage, the sun is rising. Come, bathe in the river. Be punctual and at our Father's tent on the tap of the bell. Be still, open your ears to hear, and your hearts to retain the words he will speak.'
"When all were ready I rang the bell for prayers and instruction. From the day I arrived until I left the Flatheads, their avidity to hear the word of God increased daily. I preached regularly four times a day, and each time they ran eagerly to secure good places. Those who were sick were carried to the sermons.
"The morning after our arrival I began at once to translate the prayers through an interpreter. Fifteen days later I promised a medal of the Blessed Virgin to the one who would be the first to recite the Pater, Ave, and Credo, the Ten Commandments, and the four Acts without a fault. A chief arose. 'Father,' he said, 'your medal belongs to me'; and to my great surprise he recited all the prayers without missing a word. I embraced him, and made him my catechist. He performed this function so zealously that in ten days the whole tribe knew their prayers.
"I had the happiness of regenerating nearly three hundred Indians in the waters of baptism. They all begged for the Sacrament, and manifested the best possible dispositions. But as the absence of the missionary would be only temporary, I deemed it wiser to put off the others until the following year, not only with the intention of giving them an exalted idea of the Sacrament, but also to try them in regard to the indissolubility of marriage, something quite unknown among the Indian nations of America.
"Among the adults baptized were two great chiefs, one belonging to the Flatheads, the other to the Pend d'Oreilles, both over eighty years of age. When I exhorted them to renew their sentiments of contrition for their sins, Walking Bear (the name of the second) replied: 'In my youth and even later in life I lived in complete ignorance of good and evil, and during that time I must often have displeased God. I sincerely ask for pardon. But when I fully realized that a thing was sinful I immediately banished it from my heart. I do not remember ever having deliberately offended the Great Spirit.'
"I have never discovered the least vice in these Indians, save gambling, in which they often risk all they possess. These games have been abolished by general consent, since they have learned that they are contrary to the commandment which says 'Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods.' They are scrupulously honest in selling and buying, and none of them has ever been accused of stealing. Every article that is found is carried to the tent of the chief, who proclaims the object and returns it to the owner.
"Slander is unknown among the women; a lie is considered especially odious. 'We fear,' they say, 'to offend the Great Spirit, hence we hold liars in abhorrence.'
"All quarrels and fits of passion are severely punished. They share one another's sufferings, give help in time of need, and care for the orphans. They are well-mannered, gay and very hospitable; their tent is open house; keys and locks are unknown. Often I said to myself 'These are the people that civilized men dare to call barbarians!'
"It is a great error to judge the Indians of the interior by those of the frontier. These last have learned the vices of the white men, whose insatiable greed of gain is served by corrupting the Indian, and whose bad example leads him into vicious habits."
To be continued . . .
This excellent 400 pg. book, "The Life of Fr. De Smet S.J." by Fr. E. Laveille, S.J. - http://olrl.org/books/desmet.shtml - is available in our Store - http://olrl.org/mm5/merchant.mvc - for only $9.00.
Sincerely in Christ,
Our Lady of the Rosary Library
"Pray and work for souls"

Last week we related from the wonderful book on the life of Fr. De Smet his first and very fruitful encounter with the Flathead Indian tribe. Fr. De Smet returned to the Jesuit province in St. Louis to recruit other priests and lay brothers for the missions. Having promised the Flatheads he would return, Fr. De Smet and the other missionaries set out on their perilous journey on April 24, 1841.
At Fort Hall on the feast of the Assumption they met the advance-guard of the Flatheads, who had traveled over three hundred miles to come and meet the Black Robes. Among them was Young Ignatius, Father De Smet's guide of the previous year. Ignatius had been running for four days without food or drink in order to be the first to salute the missionaries.
Simon, the oldest member of the tribe, was also in the advance-guard. Although so worn with age that even when seated he leaned upon a cane for support, the ardor of his youth revived upon hearing of the approach of the Black Robes. "My children," said he, as he mounted his horse, "I am one of you; if I succumb on the way our Fathers will know in what cause I die." During the journey he was often heard to say: "Courage, my children, remember we go to meet the Black Robes!" Then lashing their steeds and following their intrepid leader, the cavalcade covered fifty miles a day.
Father De Smet's heart rejoiced when he found that the year's interval had in no way diminished the fervor of the Flatheads. The greater number, even old men and little children, knew by heart the prayers he had taught them. Twice on week-days, and three times on Sundays, during his absence had the tribe assembled to say prayers in common. The box containing vestments, and the altar service left in their charge the preceding year, were carried on high like the Ark of the Covenant each time the camp moved.
Many of those baptized died saintly deaths. A girl twelve years of age exclaimed at the moment of death: "How beautiful! How beautiful! I see the heavens opening and the Mother of God is calling me to come!" Then turning to those about her she said: "Heed what the Black Robes tell you, for they speak the truth; they will come and in this place erect a house of prayer."
Enemies of Catholicism vainly endeavored to sow dissension and distrust, by insinuating that the missionaries had no intention of returning. "You are mistaken," replied Big Face. "I know our Father; his tongue does not lie. He said, 'I will return,' and return he will."
The missionaries left the caravan three days after their arrival at Fort Hall, going north to the Flathead encampment. One of the braves sent Father De Smet his finest horse, with strict orders that no one should mount the steed before it was presented to the Black Robe.
On August 30th, four months after their departure form St. Louis, the missionaries arrived at their destination. "As we approached the camp we saw one courier after another advancing. A gigantic Indian then appeared, coming toward us at full gallop. Crises of 'Paul! Paul!' were heard, and it was in fact Paul , so named in baptism the year before. They thought him absent from the camp, but he had just returned, wishing himself to present us to his people. Toward nightfall an affecting scene took place. The neophytes -- men, women, young men, and children in arms -- struggled with one another to be the first to shake hands with us; our hearts were too full for utterance. It was a great day."
Father De Smet, being absent from the tribe for a short time, returned on December 8th and began at once the preparation of those who had not yet received baptism. Besides lessons in catechism taught by the other Fathers, Father De Smet gave three instructions daily to the catechumens, who learned so quickly, and showed such admirable dispositions, that on Christmas day he administered baptism to one hundred and fifty souls, and performed thirty-two marriages.
"I began the day by saying Mass at seven o'clock, and at five in the afternoon I was still in the chapel. The emotions my heart then experienced are but poorly expressed in words.
"The next day I sang a solemn High Mass in thanksgiving for the favors God had showered upon His people. Between six and seven hundred converts, counting the children baptized the previous year, assembled in the heart of the wilds, where until now the name of God was unknown, offering the Creator their regenerated hearts and promising fidelity to Him until Death. Such devotion must be very pleasing in God's sight and will assuredly call down blessings upon the Flatheads and the neighboring tribes."
The Blessed Virgin now deigned to manifest in a striking manner how pleasing to her was the simple faith and innocence of her new children. Shortly after midnight Mass on Christmas eve, the Mother of God appeared in the tent of a poor woman to a little orphan named Paul. "His exemplary childhood," writes Father De Smet, "his piety and candor, and the account he gave of the apparition, preclude all doubt of the truth of his statement. The following is what he told me in his own words: 'Upon entering John's tent, where I went to ask help with the prayers I do not yet know, I saw a wonderfully beautiful person raised above the ground, clad in raiment white as snow, a star upon her brow and a serpent at her feet; in her hand she held a fruit I have never seen before, and from her heart rays of light radiated toward me. I was frightened a t first; then fear vanished, my heart was warm, my mind clear, and although I cannot say how it happened, suddenly I knew m! y prayers.' The child then told me the same beautiful person had appeared to him many times in his sleep, and that she told him that it would please her if the first Flathead village would be called St. Mary.
"The boy had never seen nor heard tell of visions, nor did he even know whether the apparition was a man or a woman, as the clothes were unfamiliar to him. Questioned by several others, he gave the identical description of all that had happened. The child grew in virtue and was the angel of the tribe."
One can imagine Father De Smet's joy and thankfulness when he could write his Provincial on December 30th: "The whole Flathead nation has been converted, and baptism administered to many Kalispels, Nez Perces, Coeur d'Alenes, Snakes, and Kootenais: other tribes are asking for us, and a vast country only awaits the arrival of the missionary to range itself under the banner of Jesus Christ. This, Reverend Father, is the gift we offer you at the close of the year 1841."
"The Life of Fr. De Smet S.J. - Apostle of the Rocky Mountains 1801-1873" by Fr. E. Laveille, S.J. - http://olrl.org/books/desmet.shtml - is available in our Store at http://olrl.org/mm5/merchant.mvc - a 400 page book for only $9.00.
Sincerely in Christ,
Our Lady of the Rosary Library
"Pray and work for souls"
Audio Sermons about Fr. De Smet are available at:


Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Anne, Therese, I love You; Save Souls!

Jesus, the Good Shepherd

Deus propitius esto mihi peccatori

"I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd giveth his life for his sheep. But the hireling, and he that is not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and flieth; and the wolf catcheth and scattereth the sheep: and the hireling flieth, because he is a hireling, and he bath no care for the sheep.

I am the good shepherd, and I know mine, and mine know me. As the Father knoweth me, and I know the Father, and I lay down my life for my sheep. And other sheep I have, that are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold and one shepherd."

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Anne, Therese, I love YOU; Save Souls!

Jesu mitis et humilis corde, Fac cor nostrum secundum Cor tuum. (ter)
John 10: 11-16

From the Latin-Vulgate:

11 ego sum pastor bonus bonus pastor animam suam dat pro ovibus 12 mercennarius et qui non est pastor cuius non sunt oves propriae videt lupum venientem et dimittit oves et fugit et lupus rapit et dispergit oves 13 mercennarius autem fugit quia mercennarius est et non pertinet ad eum de ovibus 14 ego sum pastor bonus et cognosco meas et cognoscunt me meae 15 sicut novit me Pater et ego agnosco Patrem et animam meam pono pro ovibus

16 et alias oves habeo quae non sunt ex hoc ovili et illas oportet me adducere et vocem meam audient et fiet unum ovile unus pastor



Friday, April 16, 2010

Novena Prayer to Mary

Novena Prayer to Mary, Undoer of Knots
(Said To Be Infallible)

O Holy Mary, full of the presence of God during thy life, thou accepted with great humility the Holy Will of the Father, and the legacy of thy Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Evil never dared to entangle thee with its confusion. Since then, thou hast interceded for all our difficulties. With all simplicity and patience thou hast given us an example on how to untangle the knots in our complicated lives. By being our Mother forever, thou arrangest and makest clear the path that unites us to Our Lord.

Holy Mary, Mother of God and ours, with thy maternal heart, untie the knots that upset our lives. We ask thee to receive into thine hands
[mention name(s) and/or prayer requests] and deliver us from the chains and confusion that have us restrained.

O Blessed Virgin Mary, through thy grace, thy intercession, and by thy example, deliver us from evil and untie the knots that keep us from uniting with God, so that once free of every confusion and error, we may find Him in all things, have Him in our hearts, and serve Him always in our brothers and sisters.

O Mary, Undoer of Knots, pray for us.


Monday, April 12, 2010

Ave Maris Stella


Quasimodo Sunday

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Anne, Therese, I love You; Save Souls!

The first Sunday after Easter has just passed us by,

but the adventure of our lives have only just begun:

As with St. Peter, in the Introit of yesterday's Mass, "Quasi modo geniti infantes, rationabile, sine dolo lac concupiscite ut in eo crescatis in salutem si gustastis quoniam dulcis Dominus"

which in English is: As newborn babes, desire the rational milk without guile, that thereby you may grow unto salvation


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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Please Pray for the Pope

Dearest Holy Father,

I read this, http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/gesellschaft/0,1518,688350,00.html
and wanted to cry.

But I read this: and http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/national_review_editor_responds_to_maureen_dowds_latest_attack_on_the_church/

We will all be praying for you and standing behind you. Strength in numbers, let us all storm heaven!

Yours truly,
a Roman Catholic

for life, I cross my heart.

If only the whole world knew of the beautiful heart of Jesus...

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Anne, Therese, I love You; Save Souls!

Jesu mitis et humilis Corde, Fac cor nostrum secundum Cor tuum. (ter)

Deus propitius esto mihi peccatori.

Visit: http://www.shroud.com/ to read about the research with regards to the Holy Shroud of Turin.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ave verum Corpus

It is the month of April, the month of the Most Holy Eucharist, most beautiful Jesus, treasure him.

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Anne, Therese, I love You; Save Souls!

Jesu mitis et humilis Corde, Fac cor nostrum secundum Cor tuum. (ter)


Friday, April 09, 2010

Happy Easter Week

My dear readers,

I want to tell you of the week that I have just been through. It was "normal", everyday things happened, what was "worse" was that I had loads of work, and the toll has put a heavy load on my shoulders, but I am happy, never been happier. Every single event of this week was beautiful, for one reason, because I saw everything from a different light, and I finally walked beautifully on soft green grass with the deep blue sky and white fluffy clouds staring down at me amidst the burning hot sun.

La Résurrection from DICI on Vimeo.

O Filii et Filiae, Rex coelestis, Rex gloriae, Morte surrexit hodie. Alleluia.

Please say a rosary for the Pope.

I just read this article and I thought that it was well-written:


And a news snippet about the Holy Shroud: I REALLY REALLY WISH THAT I CAN GO ON THE MAY PILGRIMAGE! :( sadly work does not permit it! (of all things...)


Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Anne, Therese, I love You; Save Souls!

Jesu mitis et humilis Corde, Fac cor nostrum secundum Cor tuum. (ter)

Deus propitius esto mihi peccatori.

This is for my reference:

Karajan - Beethoven: ''Leonore III'' Overture, pt. 1 of 2

Kubelik - Dvorak Symphony no. 7 op.70 (III) - Scherzo: Vivace - Poco meno mosso


Monday, April 05, 2010

Christus Resurrexit! ;))

Christus Resurrexit! :))

(from an Easter Sermon by St. John Chrysostom)

Hell was in an uproar because it was done away with.
It was in an uproar because it is mocked.
It was in an uproar, for it was destroyed.
It is in an uproar, for it is annihilated.
It is in an uproar, for it is now made captive.
Hell took a body, and discovered God.
It took earth, and discovered God.
It took earth, and encountered Heaven.
It took what it saw, and was overcome by what it did not see.
O death, where is thy sting?
O Hades, where is thy victory?

Christ is risen, and you, O death, are annihilated!
Christ is risen, and the evil ones are cast down!
Christ is risen, and the angels rejoice!
Christ is risen, and life is liberated!
Christ is risen, and the tomb is emptied of its dead; for Christ having risen from the dead, is become the first-fruits of those who have fallen asleep.

AND, our dearest, my dearest Mother Mary must be so totally REJOICING! :)) And I am happy because she is happy... Imagine how it was like for her, when she beheld Jesus, all Glorious, with no other wounds except His 5 most Precious Wounds :))) (she was the first to see JESUS)

QUEEN of Heaven, Rejoice! Alleluia.

For He whom thou didst merit to bear, Alleluia.

Hath arisen as He said, Alleluia.

Pray for us to God, Alleluia.

V. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, Alleluia.
R. Because the Lord is truly risen, Alleluia.

Let us pray

O God, Who gave joy to the world through the Resurrection of Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ; grant, we beseech Thee, that through His Mother, the Virgin Mary, we may obtain the joys of Everlasting Life. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Anne, Therese, I love You; Save Souls!

Jesu mitis et humilis corde, Fac cor nostrum secundum Cor tuum. (ter)

Regina Caeli, Laetare, Alleluia! :))

Papa Benedetto XVI in 2009:

This is good: Meditations on the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady (Mater Dolorosa)

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Saturday, April 03, 2010

Holy Saturday

I got this from a friend's facebook profile (THANK YOU! but I thought that it was brilliant!:))

ME: I am waiting outside the Sepulchre for the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

My Jesus, I love you so very much!

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Anne, Therese, I love You; Save Souls!

Jesu mitis et humilis corde, Fac cor nostrum secundum Cor tuum. (ter)

And as we wait for oh so HAPPY EASTER to arrive,

here, (for my reference too),

Guess my favourite part :))


Friday, April 02, 2010

Maundy Thursday

"O My God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee; and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, who art all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance and to amend my life. Amen."

This is such a beautiful prayer!

And as we accompany Jesus in this Holy Night of Adoration and Prayer, Mother dearest please help us, help us, help me. Dankeschoen. Amen.

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, I love You; Save Souls!

Jesu mitis et humilis corde, Fac Cor nostrum secundum Cor tuum. (ter)

He is dead. The author of life, the only begotten of the Father, the Lord of the world, is dead. O infinite love! A God to sacrifice Himself entirely! And for whom? For us, ungrateful creatures. Raise your eyes and behold the crucified Man-God. Behold the Divine Lamb, sacrificed on that altar of pain. See how His arms are stretched out to embrace you; His head bowed down to give you the kiss of peace; His side opened to receive you. How can you behold Him dead, hanging on the tree, and not love Him with all your heart?

"My children, see if there is anyone in this world who has loved you more than I, thy God, has loved you. This is My beloved Son, in whom I have found all My delights. This in My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Behold how I have willed to see Him ill-treated on account of your iniquities. Behold how I have condemned Him to die upon this cross, afflicted, and abandoned even by Myself, who loves Him so much. This have I done in order that you may love Me."

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