Sunday, October 29, 2006

Let us STORM the HEAVENS! =)

Let us STORM the Heavens with our prayers on this, today, the Most Holy Feast Day of Christ the King – The Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ!

I know this is a little too late because the month of October is coming to a close, but there have been for these last few months, a Rosary Crusade for these intentions:

1) For Pope Benedict XVI, to give him the strength to free up the Tridentine Mass of All Times.
2) Return of the social Kingship of Christ the King
3) Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Even though the Rosary Crusade is ending soon, we can still continue to pray for these good intentions. =)

I like this phrase I heard somewhere: Storm the Heavens!!! And believe that when you do that, everyone in Heaven will be interceding for us, and they do hear us, and they WILL help us.

When you Storm the Heavens with good intentions, hoping to do the will of the Most High, Dearest God will definitely hear our prayers and He will answer them, but, in His own way. Let us continue to persevere under the Banner of Christ the King and there’s a famous phrase – Une roi, Une loi, Une foi (in French) – One King, One Law, One Faith – and we ask our Dearest Mother, to help us persevere in this our Most Holy Faith and when the day comes, we will rejoice with HIM in heaven, for ETERNITY.

This solemn Feast day was instituted by His Holiness Pope Pius XI.
He wrote a really magnificent encyclical Quas Primas on Christ the King. In it, the Pope explains why Our Lord Jesus Christ is truly King.
Here is a sermon of Archbishop Lefebvre’s on the Feast of Christ the King, His Eminence, the Archbishop delivered this his sermon on 28th October 1979 at Ecône.
Of course, the Archbishop needs no introduction. =)
The royalty of Christ rests upon a twofold basis. He is our King by right of birth and by right of conquest. The first refers us to the personality of the Son of God, whereby, in His divine nature as God and by virtue of the hypostatic union, He is the sovereign Lord and Master. The second places before us the God-Man coming down on earth to rescue fallen man from the slavery of Satan, and by the labors and sufferings of His life, and passion, and death, to win a glorious victory for us over sin and hell.
-As taken from the 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal-
An Act of Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
This prayer was ordered by Pope Pius XI to be solemnly recited on the feast of Christ the King, with the Litany of the Sacred Heart, before the Blessed Sacrament exposed.

Most Sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the human race, look down upon us humbly prostrate before Thy altar. We are Thine, and Thine we wish to be; but, to be more surely united with Thee, behold each one of us freely consecrates himself today to Thy Most Sacred Heart.

Many indeed have never known Thee; many, too, despising Thy precepts, have rejected Thee. Have mercy on them all, most merciful Jesus, and draw them to Thy Sacred Heart. Be Thou King, O Lord, not only of the faithful who have never forsaken Thee, but also of the prodigal children who have abandoned Thee; grant that they may quickly return to their Father’s house lest they die of wretchedness and hunger.

Be Thou King of those who are deceived by erroneous opinions, or whom discord keeps aloof, and call them back to the harbour of truth and unity of faith, so that soon there may be but one flock and one Shepherd.

Be Thou King of all those who are still involved in the darkness of idolatry or of Islamism, and refuse not to draw them all into light and kingdom of God. Turn Thine eyes of mercy toward the children of that race, once Thy chosen people. Of old they called down upon themselves the Blood of the Saviour; may it now descend upon them a laver of redemption and of life.

Grant, O Lord, to Thy Church assurance of freedom and immunity from harm; give peace and order to all nations, and make the earth resound from pole to pole with one cry: Praise to the Divine Heart that wrought our salvation; to It be glory and honour forever.
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have Mercy on us,
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us!
Jesus, Mary, I love Thee, Save Souls!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Cross.

The Cross indeed is a treasure!
Here's a little passage from St, Alphonsus Ligouri, again from his book, the Passion and Death of Jesus: It's a real good book =)
The Passion and The Death of Jesus Christ
By St, Alphonsus Ligouri
Page 112


St. Augustine says, there is no death more bitter than that of the cross: “Among all the different kinds of death, there was none worse.” Because, as St. Thomas observes, those who are crucified have their hands and their feet pierced through, parts which, being entirely composed of nerves, muscles, and veins, are the most sensitive to pain; and the very weight of the body itself which is suspended from them, causes the pain to be continuous and ever increasing in its intensity up to the moment of death.

But the pains of Jesus were far beyond all other pains for, as the Angelic Doctor (St. Thomas Aquinas) says, the body of Jesus Christ being perfectly constituted, was more quick and sensitive to pain – that body which was fashioned for him by the Holy Spirit, expressly with a view to his suffering as he had foretold; as the Apostle testifies, A body thou hast fitted to Me.- Heb. X.5. Moreover, St. Thomas says that Jesus Christ took upon himself an amount of suffering so great as to be sufficient to satisfy for the temporal punishment merited by the sins of all mankind. Tiepoli tells us that, in the crucifixion, there were dealt twenty-eight strokes of the hammer upon his hands, and thirty-six upon his feet.

O my soul, behold thy Lord, behold thy life, hanging upon that tree: And thy life shall be, as it were, handing before thee.-Deut. Xxviii.66 Behold how, on that gibbet of pain, fastened by those cruel nails, he finds no place of rest. Now he leans his weight upon his hands, now upon his feet; but on what part soever he leans, the anguish increases. He turns his afflicted head, now on one side, now on the other: if he lets it all towards his breast, the hands, by the additional weight, are rent the more; if he lowers it towards his shoulders, the shoulders are pierced with the thorns; if he leans it back upon the cross, the thorns enter the more deeply into the head.

Ah, my Jesus, what a death of bitterness is this that Thou art enduring! O my crucified Redeemer, I adore Thee on this throne of ignominy and pain. Upon this cross I read it written that Thou art a king: Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews – J.N.R.J. – John, xix. 19. But apart from this title of scorn, what is the evidence that Thou dost give of being a king? Ah, these hands transfixed with nails, this head pierced with thorns, this throne of sorrow, this lacerated flesh, make me well know that Thou art king, but king of Love! With humility, then, and tenderness do I draw near to kiss Thy sacred feet, transfixed for love of me; I clasp in my arms this cross, on which Thou, being made a victim of love, wast willing to offer Thyself in sacrifice for me to the divine justice: being made obedient unto death, the death of the cross – Phil.ii.8. O blessed obedience which obtained for us the pardon of our sins! And what would have become of me, O my Saviour hadst Thou not paid the penalty for me! I thank Thee O my love, and by the merits of this sublime obedience do I pray Thee to grant me the grace of obedience in everything to the divine will. All that I desire paradise for is, that I may love Thee forever, and with all my strength.
O Most Loving Mother Mary, please help me!
Another good book by St, Alphonsus Ligouri, that I recommend reading would be his

Monday, October 23, 2006

From the Imitation

Here's a little something, I'm posting, making use of the little free time that I have now, to post on a little phrase that I like - it's from the Imitation of Christ by Thomas A. Kempis.
From Book III - Chapter 32:
"Forsake all and thou shalt find all, leave thy desires and thou shalt find rest."
- Matt. XI. 29

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


O Sweet Heart of Mary, Be My Salvation! Immaculate Heart of Mary, convert sinners, save souls from hell! - Jacinta
(one of the 3 children depicted in the above picture, whom Mother Mary appeared to at Fatima in 1917, before the October Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.)
This book is recommended if you want to read more about Fatima:
-the link I got above is an abridged version of the book - i think - because the original 'book' comes in 3 volumes-Or it might not even be the book I'm referring too =) once I'm certain its the right book, I'll repost the link. =)

You must wonder why I'm suddenly blogging on such a topic - on making Decisions.
This is partly because this has been on my mind for a sufficient period of time today.
As I was walking slowly to the exam hall for my most recently over CA (yay!), and after saying the Angelus, it came to me that our lives are also based on the decisions that we make. To me, the reason why the Angelus prayer is so good is because it commemorates and it brings the person who says the prayer with his heart, back to the moment in time when a huge huge decision was to be made by a person, made so perfect (She's the only person in this world to be born without the stain of original sin), to be the Mother of the Almighty.

Here's the short prayer, it is said 3 times a day, at 6am-12pm-6pm.
A little history about this prayer, this prayer was promulgated by the Popes, to obtain divine help, through the recital of the Rosary and the Angelus in all the Christian lands during the Crusades. This prayer has been said ever since then in the Church.
It consists of 3 parts:

1) The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary.
And She conceived of the Holy Ghost.
Hail Mary, Full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee, Blessed art Thou amongst women and Blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us, sinners now and at the hour of our death.

2) Behold the handmaid of the Lord,
Be it done unto me according to Thy word.
Hail Mary ...

3) And the Word was made flesh.
And dwelt amongst us.
Hail Mary ...
V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray:
Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts, that we, to whom the Incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may by His Passion and Cross, be brought to the glory of His Resurrection. Through the same Christ, our Lord. Amen.

So great was this huge decision that was made, that this changed the entire course of events for the whole world. It was because of this decision that dearest Mother Mary, through the grace of the Most High, made, that allowed for the Saviour of the world to come into this darkness.
It was this decision, that thereby, the fate of all souls since the beginning of time to the end of time was changed. She was the one that said yes to God and thus, to a certain extent, helped accomplish for us, our salvation. In a sense, she made the first committed step, and there was no turning back after she said yes to God. This is one of the reasons why the dearest Blessed Virgin has been given the title, the Co-Redemptrix of mankind, our salvation, because, by virtue of this huge decision she made, she helped save mankind. That is why, we Catholics love her as our dearest Mother.

And here are a few lines from one of my favourite hymns, that, I think, beautifully describes who the Most Blessed Virgin is:

Mary is Our Queen, O Sing to her,
Mary is Our Mother, Trust in her,
Mary is the star that shines at night,
Guiding us to Jesus, Our True Light,
Mary is the Creature of our race
Whom the Holy Spirit filled with grace,
To become the Mother of our Lord,
The God Whom she adored.
(repeating the words of the ArchAngel Gabriel to Mother Mary):
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria.

Coming back to the main topic on making decisions: Decisions that we make are also very important, because it is through all the decisions that we make, things happen, pathways change and our life changes because we make decisions that affect us in some way or another. I like this analogy that I heard somewhere:
Making decisions can be tough, by virtue of the fact that some decisions we make are more life changing (e.g. discerning your state of life, changing and amending your life etc.etc.) than some of the other types of decisions that we daily make. (I think you know what I'm trying to say :))
Thing is, making a decision can be likened to a donkey standing before a bridge, a pathway all laid out for it. Using myself as an example, perhaps I'm the donkey and I stand before the bridge and I know that there's this decision I have to make. (i.e. whether to cross the bridge or not) And it's either I cross the bridge or I turn back and go on with what I used to be doing, (going away from the bridge). There are 3 things I, as the donkey in this analogy, can do, (this corresponds to the 3 classes of men, as from the spiritual exercise of St. Ignatius of Loyola).

1) I would like to cross the bridge because I know my life will change and I know that I will be assured of my salvation, but, as St. Augustine, in his Confessions, said: O Lord, make me chaste, but not now! ... and I put off trying to cross the bridge because my will is not strong enough, and when the hour of death comes, I would be berating myself for not choosing to cross the bridge, the means by which I, the donkey would be assured of my salvation.. (but St Augustine did not make this decision no.1, he made the biggest decision to change his life with the no.3 I'll be explaining, in a minute.) This first decision puts the donkey in the class of people who are the "Later On" people.

2) I want to cross the bridge, but looking back at the amount of time and effort I took to come to this point, that is, before the bridge, and in an effort to keep all that I have 'earnt', because I know that once I cross the bridge, I would have to leave everything behind, I decide that I will not cross the bridge. This is the story of Pontius Pilate - and in the end, I do exactly what I didn't want to do - and remain in exactly the same situation I was in, before I made the decision.

3) I, the donkey, knowing that being a donkey is no good and wanting to change the situation I'm in, or my way of doing things, for the better, make the big decision to cross the bridge as I know what I am doing is right and that what I'm doing corresponds exactly to what God wills, I cross the bridge and am very happy, even though the crossing of the bridge will bring along huge sacrifices, I know that in the end, I'd be better able to make use of this means to attain this end that I want for my soul, I make the right 'non-donkey' decision and cross the bridge and reach what I want to attain, in accordance to the will of God. This is the story of all the saints. This is the story of how real champions are created, champions because they want to give their all to God, make the right decision, change their lives and do everything in their means to reach, attain this one end, this one main goal of our lives - heaven. From the old testament, Abraham fits into this category because he did the will of God, and when God called him to sacrifice the Son whom you love - Isaac - whom God gave to his wife, Sara and him in old age, he did so with no hesitation, no qualms and in the end, God gave him his eternal reward. (not to worry, Isaac survived without even a cut on his skin) This faith of Abraham, in God, was so strong, so huge, it can be said he believed blindly in the faith, but I must say when I say he believed blindly, it means he surrended himself to the will of God completely and unhesitantly. Not to the extent that you say you believe blindly and do all the wrong things.

Making a decision is something like that. Imagine the donkey, standing at the edge of the bridge, moving his head about, thinking what to do. In the end, its the decision, its the sacrifice that has to be made that will be the most difficult, especially when its life changing, but once you make the decision, once you get over it, with the grace of God, and the aid of Mother Mary, the Angels and the Saints, you cross the bridge into your new life and you find that making the sacrifice is easy, and that the only thing stopping you is your mind accepting the decision that you know is right before you. All of us aspire to do point no.3 but sometimes, we do have our human frailities and we find it difficult to do so (me too!!), but take it to heart that many others have been that donkey, and many others have made that life-changing decision, and have chosen point no.3 and that point no.3 is not so difficult to do after all, as a Catholic, I will say, you do have Jesus, Mary, your Angel, all the Angels, your patrons and all the Saints behind you, who will all, if we accept that decision help you in accepting the huge decision. =)
God knows that we are all frail and weak, as humans, and that is why we have the Mass, whence which we can apply what He said to us in the gospels, that He will be with us, till the end of time.

O Holy Virgin Mary, protect me; pray to Jesus for me! :)
Have a Great Day everyone. God Bless!
In Christo et Maria!

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Sunday, October 15, 2006

19th Sunday after Pentecost

How lovely are Thy tabernacles, O Lord, of hosts! my soul longeth and fainteth for the courts of the Lord. My heart and my flesh have rejoiced in the living God. (Ps. LXXXIII. 2-3.)
How do I loathe the world, when I contemplate heaven.
(St. Ignatius Loyola.)

19th Sunday after Pentecost

Friday, October 13, 2006

What is the Mass and a little on the Dies irae

=) hello all! I'm resting from everything on molecular biology now. =\
too much! too much! -- or perhaps because I haven't finished revising enough of the concepts. I am of the opinion that lots of things taught and thought in molecular biology is SPECULATION - especially when they start rambling on, on comparative genomics and how everything fits the stupid evolution model that all 'good' geneticists these days have to assume that evolution is correct. These evolutionists have to read St, Thomas Aquinas and see his treatise on the Unmoved Mover - God the Creator. Scientists today have to study medieval philosophy! One of the lamentable facts of the 20th Century is the fact that: We have all forgotten about God. =( and also, as I heard one Sunday, that we have all lost the sense of sin. =(

All I can say is that, Faith and Reason are not mutually exclusive.
And they are definitely not independent.

What happened to the good old days (perhaps?) when we had good scientists around - e.g. Louis Pasteur, who once said that the more he studied, the more his faith approached that of a Breton peasant woman, meaning that the more he delved into science the easier it was to have a simple and complete belief in and trust in God. =D!!!
(It has been the same for me.)

I read this in an article in the Journal, The Angelus, March 2001, in an article by Rev. Fr. Juan Carlos Iscara titled Prometheus' Gift - A moral primer on Genetic Engineering, and I quote:

" is impossible (and therefore useless) to argue with one who denies - as many scientists do - the absoluteness and immutability, and even the existence of basic principles of the natural and moral order.." "Cum negante principio nequit disputari!""

The bold phrase is latin for: "It is impossible to argue with somebody who denies the priniciple!"

Here is a post from a friend, halfway across the world. He delves into the evolution debate very nicely, in my opinion.
Please do forgive me for being a little morbid here, writing about death and all, but I think that the most important thing for any person to do, perhaps, is to think of what you would have liked to do/perhaps have achieved/accomplished on your deathbed.
Death comes as a thief and we do not know when our death will be.
It has been on my thoughts all these while, because,
to us Catholics, death is not the final end, death is just the final step where your physical life (because we have bodies) on earth ends. Death is the most important point in the time of a soul's life because that is the moment where particular judgement occurs. Catechism teaches us that there are 2 judgements, 1)particular judgement - judgement of that particular soul, his life and whether the soul can attain eternal life, 2)general judgement - this is expounded by St, John in the last book of the Catholic bible - the Apocalypse.

In my opinion, a Catholic who lives on earth, lives only for this day, his/her deathbed. Because it is at this point in time where everything really matters. I've blogged about this sometime back, here's the link. There's something from the Imitation of Christ(really good book, helped me alot!) there. =)

Here is something that His Holiness, Pope Saint Pius X said, which will answer the question, as per the title of the post, on what is the Mass.

"The Holy Mass is a prayer itself, even the highest prayer that exists. It is the sacrifice, dedicated by our Redeemer at the Cross, and repeated every day on the altar. If you wish to hear Mass as it should be heard, you must follow with eye, heart, and mouth all that happens at the altar. Further, you must pray with the Priest the holy words said by him in the Name of Christ and which Christ says by him. You have to associate your heart with the holy feelings which are contained in these words and in this manner you ought to follow all that happens at the altar. When acting in this way you have prayed Holy Mass."

The Dies irae is the sequence from the Mass of the Dead, and it is said on Nov 2, All Souls' Day and is also said in all the Masses for the Dead.
Very subtle are the main themes and contemplations on death. =)

Day of wrath
and doom impending
David's word
with Sibyl's blending,
Heaven and earth
in ashes ending.

O what fear
man's bosom rendeth,
When from heaven
the Judge descendeth,
On whose sentence
all dependeth.

Wonderous sound
the trumpet's flingeth,
Through earth's sepulchres
it ringeth,
All before the throne
it bringeth.

Death is struck,
and nature quaking,
All creation
is awaking,
To its Judge
an answer making.

Lo, the book
exactly worded,
Wherein all
hath been recorded,
Thence shall judgement
be awarded.

When the Judge
His seat attaineth,
And each hidden deed arraigneth,
Nothing unavenged

What shalt I, frail man,
be pleading?
Who for me, be interceding
When the just
are mercy needing?

King of majesty, tremendous,
Who dost free salvation
send us,
Fount of pity,
then befriend us.

Think, kind Jesus,
my salvation
Caused Thy wondrous
Leave me not, to reprobation.
Faint and weary
Thou hast sought me,
On the Cross
of suffering bought me,
Shall such grace
be vainly brought me?

Righteous Judge,
for sin's pollution
Grant Thy gift, of absolution,
Ere that day,
of retribution.

Guilty now,
I pour my moaning,
All my shame
with anguish owning,
Spare, O God,
Thy suppliant groaning.

Through the sinful woman
Through the dying thief
Thou to me
a hope hast given.

Worthless are
my prayers and sighing,
Yet, good Lord,
in grace complying,
Rescue me
from fires undying.

With Thy sheep,
a place provide me,
From the goats afar,
divide me,
To Thy right hand,
do Thou guide me.

When the wicked
are confounded,
Doomed to flames
of woe unbounded,
Call me
with Thy Saints surrounded.

Low I kneel
with heart's submission,
See, like ashes,
my contrition,
Help me in my last condition.

Ah! that day
of tears and mourning,
From the dust
of earth returning,
Man for judgement
must prepare him,
Spare, O God,
In mercy spare him.

Lord, all-pitying, Jesus blest,
Grant them Thine eternal
rest. Amen.

Today, incidentally, is the 13th of October, 2006 - the 89th Anniversary of the "Miracle of the Sun" at Fatima. - I'll post more about this in the next post - i hope, if I have the time =).
May the Divine Asistance always remain with us, And may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
God Bless all!
In Christo et Maria,

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Divine Maternity of the Most Blessed Virgin

Mother Dearest, Mother Fairest,
Help of all who call on Thee,
Virgin purest, brightest, rarest,
Help us, help, we cry to Thee.

Here's a link to one of my favourite hymns: Heart of Mary :)

Ah! and finally some rest for me now! :), Deo gratias et Mariae!

As I can start ticking off what has been done and what that still have to be done, I'm at a stage where I'm happy with whatever I've done so far.. take it from me that the stockpiles of readings and essays and CAs have already taken its course and still going on, I must say, - part of the life of any undergraduate, I'm really happy that, yay, at least some stuff has been accomplished and some still that will be accomplished in due course.
Alright, away from all the above,
here's a very good article that I think you should read if you do have the time. =) It's slightly tough in its discourse, but after a while, you understand =).
I thought it appropriate to post this up since today's the feast of the divine maternity of our dearest Lady. :)


here is a good reading from St. Alphonsus again, on the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ that I absolutely love.

The Passion and The Death of Jesus Christ – page 263

IV. The Crucifixion

It was revealed to St. Bridget that when the Saviour saw himself laid upon the cross, he stretched out his right hand to the place where it was to be nailed. They then immediately nailed the other hand, and then his sacred feet; and Jesus Christ was left to die upon this bed of anguish. St. Augustine says that the punishment of the cross was a most bitter torment, because, upon the cross, death itself was prolonged, lest the pain should be speedily ended.

O God! What horror must then have smitten heaven, at the sight of the Son of the Eternal Father crucified between the two thieves! Such, in truth, was the prophecy of Isaias: He was reputed with the wicked. Therefore St. John Chrysostom, contemplating Jesus upon the cross, cried out, full of amazement and love, “I see him in the midst, in the holy Trinity; I see him in the midst, between Moses and Elias; I see him in the midst, between two thieves.” As though he had said, “I see my Saviour first in heaven between the Father and the Holy Ghost; I see him upon the Mount Tabor, between two saints, Moses and Elias; how, then, can I see him crucified upon Calvary between the two thieves?” How could this come to pass, but through the divine decree, that thus he might die, to satisfy by his death for the sins of men, and to save from death, as Isaias had foretold: He was reputed with the wicked, and He hath borne the sins of many.

The same prophet also asks, Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bosra; this beautiful one in His robe, walking in the greatness of His strength?”
(Edom signifying a red colour, though somewhat dark, as is explained in Gen. XXV. 30); and he gives the answer, I that speak justice, and am a defender to save. The person who thus replies is, according to the interpreters, Jesus Christ, who says, I am the promised Messiah, who am come to save men, by triumphing over their enemies.

Then, further, he is again asked, Why is Thy apparel red, and Thy garments like theirs that tread in the winepress? And he answers, I have trodden the winepress alone, and of the Gentiles there is not a man with Me. Tertullian, St. Cyprian, and St. Augustine explain the winepress to mean the Passion of Jesus Christ, in which his garments – that is, his most holy flesh – was covered with blood and wounds, according to what St. John wrote: He was clothed with a garment sprinkled with blood; and His name is called the Word of God. St. Gregory, explaining the expression I have trodden the winepress alone, says, “He trod the winepress, and was himself trodden.” He trod it, because Jesus Christ, by his Passion, his body was bruised and broken, as the grapes are broken in the winepress, and, as Isaias expresses it in another text, The Lord was pleased to bruise Him in infirmity.

And now behold this Lord, who was fairest among men, appears on Calvary with his form so disfigured by torments, that it struck horror into all who saw it. Yet this deformity makes him seem more beautiful in the eyes of souls that love him, because these wounds, these marks of the scourging, this lacerated flesh, are all tokens and proofs of the love he bears them; upon which the poet Petrucci beautifully sings,

“O Lord, if Thou sufferest scourgings for us, to the souls that are bound to Thee, the more deformed Thou art, the more fair dost Thou appear.”

St. Augustine adds, “He hung in deformity upon the cross, but his deformity is our beauty.” And truly so, because this deformity of Jesus crucified was the cause of the beauty of our souls, which, when they were deformed, were washed with his divine blood, and became fair and lovely, according to what St. John wrote, Who are these that are clothed in white garments? These are they who have come out of great tribulation, and have washed their garments, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
All the saints, as being children of Adam (with the exception of the Blessed Virgin), were at one time covered with a foul garment, and soiled with Adam’s sin and with their own; but being washed with the blood of the Lamb, they became white and agreeable in the sight of God.

Well, then, didst Thou say, O my Jesus, that, when Thou shouldst be lifted up upon the cross, Thou wouldst draw everything unto Thee; “and this he said, signifying by what death he should die.” Truly Thou hast left undone nothing to draw all hearts unto Thee. Many are the happy souls who, in seeing Thee crucified and dying for love of them, have abandoned everything – possessions, dignities, country, and kindred, even to the embracing of torments and death – in order to give themselves wholly to Thee. Unhappy they who resist Thy graces, which Thou hast gained for them with Thy great labours and sorrows. O my God, this will be their great torment in hell, to think that they have lost a God who, to draw them to love him, gave his life upon a cross, that of their own choice they have perished, and that there will be no remedy for their ruin through all eternity. O my Redeemer, I have already deserved to fall into this ruin, through the sins I have committed against Thee. Alas, how often have I resisted Thy grace, which sought to draw me unto Thee, and, in order to cleave to my own inclinations, have despised Thy love, and turned my back upon Thee! Oh that I had died before I had offended Thee! Oh that I had ever loved Thee! I thank Thee, O my love, that Thou hast borne with me with so much patience, and that, instead of abandoning me, as I deserved, Thou hast repeated Thy calls, and increased Thy lights and Thy loving impulses upon me. I will sing the mercies of God forever. Oh, cease not, my Saviour and my hope, to continue to draw me, and to multiply Thy graces upon me, that I may love Thee in heaven with more fervor, remembering the many mercies that Thou hast shown me, after all the offences that I have committed against Thee. I hope for all, through that precious blood which Thou hast shed for me, and that bitter death which Thou hast endured for me.

O holy Virgin Mary, protect me; pray to Jesus for me.
In Christo et Maria!
and God Bless,
-rachelannethérèse =p
p/s: My sister just showed me this the other day, if you love the piano, you shouldn't miss this. It's sincerely very funny and hilarious...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Some thoughts ..

Here's one of my favourite Psalms.
It's a psalm written by King David, when Nathan the prophet came to him, after he had sinned with Bethsabee.

Psalm 50.

Miserere. The repentance and confession of David after his sin. The fourth penitential psalm.

1 Unto the end, a psalm of David,

2 When Nathan the prophet came to him after he had sinned with Bethsabee.

3 Have mercy on me, O God, according to thy great mercy. And according to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my iniquity.

4 Wash me yet more from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.

5 For I know my iniquity, and my sin is always before me.

6 To thee only have I sinned, and have done evil before thee: that thou mayst be justified in thy words and mayst overcome when thou art judged.

7 For behold I was conceived in iniquities; and in sins did my mother conceive me.

8 For behold thou hast loved truth: the uncertain and hidden things of thy wisdom thou hast made manifest to me.

9 Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be cleansed: thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made whiter than snow.

10 To my hearing thou shalt give joy and gladness: and the bones that have been humbled shall rejoice.

11 Turn away thy face from my sins, and blot out all my iniquities.

12 Create a clean heart in me, O God: and renew a right spirit within my bowels.

13 Cast me not away from thy face; and take not thy holy spirit from me.

14 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation, and strengthen me with a perfect spirit.

15 I will teach the unjust thy ways: and the wicked shall be converted to thee.

16 Deliver me from blood, O God, thou God of my salvation: and my tongue shall extol thy justice.

17 O Lord, thou wilt open my lips: and my mouth shall declare thy praise.

18 For if thou hadst desired sacrifice, I would indeed have given it: with burnt offerings thou wilt not be delighted.

19 A sacrifice to God is an afflicted spirit: a contrite and humbled heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.

20 Deal favourably, O Lord, in thy good will with Sion; that the walls of Jerusalem may be built up.

21 Then shalt thou accept the sacrifice of justice, oblations and whole burnt offerings: then shall they lay calves upon thy altar.


Here's the Latin translation of this Psalm. I like the latin words because they are so beautiful, so subtle.

3. miserere mei Deus secundum magnam; misericordiam tuam et; secundum multitudinem miserationum tuarum dele iniquitatem meam


Why is it so difficult for some to understand what being a Catholic means?

Is it because it's relatively 'easy' to be a Catholic? With all the rules and regulations?

(But the road to heaven is in the shape of the cross, after all, Jesus died on the Cross, to redeem us.)

See, King David, great man tho' he sincerely was, he sinned, just like any of us.

A great part of why he was such a great man, in my own little opinion, was because he understood so perfectly what he had done wrong, as evident from the psalm, and that he was truly a repentant sinner.

One of the greatest saints in the church, is Saint Mary Magdalene, the former great sinner too, who converted and wept at the feet of Jesus at a wedding feast. She used her hair to wipe the most precious feet of dearest Jesus. (Luke 7) She is the first woman saint to be mentioned in the whole litany of saints! indicating her greatness.

Coming back to the question: Why is it so difficult for some to understand what being a Catholic means?

It's a little hard for people to understand the Catholic worldview, but with the grace of God, they will know. In time to come. =)

Ecce crucem domine, fugite partes adversae, vicit leo de tribu Juda, Radix David Alleluia. And when finally this day comes, (Apocalypse 20), the Last Judgement, in God's time, everything will be made right!


In manus tuas domine, commendo spiritum meum!


And here's also another very good psalm: Psalm 135. It's almost like a treatise on God's infinite mercy. Read it if you want =).

GodBless. In Christo et Maria!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Dearest Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus and Holy Face

This is dear Saint Thérèse of Lisieux :) , my lovely heavenly patron.
(her name in religion was Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face)
and today is her feast day! :)

I wonder how it must be like in heaven today. ;)


Here's a link to a post I blogged on dear St, Thérèse some time back. :)


And here is the very beautiful proper of the mass of today.

INTROIT Cant. 4:8-9; Ps. 112:1

Come from Libanus, my spouse, come from Libanus, come; thou hast wounded my heart, my sister, my spouse, thou hast wounded my heart. (Psalm) Praise the Lord, ye children: praise ye the name of the Lord. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, its now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.


O Lord, Who hast said: Unless you become as little children you shall not enter into the Kingdom of heaven: grant unto us, we beseech Thee, so to follow in humility and simplicity of heart the footsteps of Saint Theresa, the Virgin, that we may obtain everlasting rewards: Who livest and reignest.

EPISTLE Is.66:12-14

The Church applies these words of the Prophet to St. Theresa

Thus saith the Lord: Behold I will bring upon her as it were a river of peace, and as an overflowing torrent the glory of the Gentiles which you shall suck; you shall be carried at the breasts, and at the knees they shall caress you. As one whom his mother caresseth, so will I comfort you: and you shall be comforted in Jerusalem. You shall see and your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall flourish like an herb, and the hand of the Lord shall be known to his servants.

(This excerpt from the old testament was something special to St, Thérèse during her short but extremely beautiful life.)

GRADUAL Mt. 11:25; Ps. 70:5

I confess to Thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them to little ones. My hope, O Lord, from my youth.

ALLELUIA Ecclus. 39:17-19

Alleluia, alleluia. Bud forth as the rose planted by the brooks of waters: Give ye a sweet odor as frankincense. Send forth flowers as the lily, and yield a smell, and bring forth leaves in grace, and praise with canticles and bless the Lord in his works. Alleluia.

GOSPEL Mt. 18:1-4

At that time, the disciples came to Jesus, saying: Who, thinkest Thou, is the greater in the kingdom of heaven? and Jesus calling unto Him a little child, set him in the midst of them, and said: Amen I say to you, unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, he is the greater in the kingdom of heaven etc.

OFFERTORY Lk.1:46-48,49

My soul doth magnify the Lord: and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour: because He hath regarded the humility of His handmaid. He that is mighty hath done great things to me

(A little note: this is an excerpt from Mother Mary's beautiful Magnificat, Mother Mary's hymn of thanksgiving to God when she met St, Elizabeth after she found out the news from the archangel Gabriel -during the Annunciation- that St, Elizabeth was with a child, St, John the Baptist, the Precursor, Jesus's cousin.)


May the holy prayers of Saint Theresa Thy Virgin, we beseech Thee, commend our sacrifice to Thee, O Lord: in her honor we solemnly offer it: in view then of her merits do Thou accept it. Through our Lord.

COMMUNION Deut. 32:10-12

He led her about and taught her, and He kept her as the apple of His eye. As an eagle He has spread His wings and hath taken her on His shoulder. The Lord alone was her leader.


May the heavenly mystery, O Lord, inflame us with the fire of that love by which Saint Theresa, Thy Virgin, offered herself to Thee as a victim of charity for mankind. Through our Lord.


Theresa is the english translation from the french, Thérèse. Dear Saint Thérèse was French.

She lived in the Normandy region of France, (Northern France) and entered the Carmel at Lisieux when she was only 15.


One of Saint Thérèse's famous phrase that eloquently sums up her whole life is:

"I want to spend my heaven, doing good on earth."


O yes, Happy Feast Day to all the Thérèse's! =p.

Happy feast day to my dearest sister, Denise Elizabeth Thérèse,

Happy feast day to my 'sister' also, Angeline Marie Thérèse!

Happy feast day to Noelle Theresa too!

Dearest Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, please pray for us!

O happy day!!!


In Christo et Maria! =)

rachel anne thérèse

Monday, October 02, 2006

Our Holy Guardian Angels =)

O Holy Guardian Angel!

God's love for us was not satisfied with giving us His Son, Jesus, for our Redeemer, and Mary for our Advocate; He has been pleased to give us also His Angels to be our guardians: "He hath given His Angels charge over thee: to keep thee in all thy ways" (Ps. 90:2). These holy spirits and princes of heaven are always present with us, and assist us in all our actions. And on this account, out of regard to our guardian Angels, we ought carefully to refrain from every action which can displease them.

-Taken from the 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal

Angel of God,

my Guardian Dear,

to whom God's love commits me here,

ever this day be at my side,

to light and guard, to rule and guide.

From stain of sin, O keep me free,

and at my death, my helper be.



In Christo et Maria,

rachel anne thérèse

p/s: tomorrow's the feast of dear Saint Thérèse! =) yay!