Monday, April 30, 2018

Resources Collated Post

A post to compile resources (this post will be updated as soon as I find more resources):

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Panis Angelicus Lambillotte

A most beautiful piece by Fr. Louis Lambillotte (1796-1855) a Belgian Jesuit.  

The text for "Panis Angelicus" is from Sacris Solemniis, a hymn written by St Thomas Aquinas (1225--1274) for the Feast of Corpus Christi (now called the Solemnity of the Holy Body and Blood of Christ). 

The strophe of Sacris solemniis that begins with the words "Panis angelicus" (bread of angels) has often been set to music by many composers. 

Panis angelicus, fit panis hominum; dat panis caelicus, figuris terminum; 

Thus Angels' Bread is made, the Bread of man today: the Living Bread from heaven with figures dost away: 

O res mirabilis: manducat Dominum, pauper, servus et humilis. 

O wondrous gift indeed! the poor and lowly may upon their Lord and Master feed. 

Te, trina Deitas, unaque, poscimus: sic nos tu visita, sicut te colimus; 

Thee, therefore, we implore, O Godhead, One in Three, so may Thou visit us as we now worship Thee; 

per tuas semitas duc nos quo tendimus, ad lucem quam inhabitas 

and lead us on Thy way, That we at last may see the light wherein Thou dwellest aye.

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Sunday, April 22, 2018

Lauda Sion [St Thomas Aquinas]

When Pope Urban IV (1261-1264) first established the Feast of Corpus Christi, he requested St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) to compose hymns for it. This is one of the five beautiful hymns Aquinas composed in honor of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. In addition to Lauda Sion, St. Thomas wrote Adoro Te Devote, Pange Lingua, Sacris Sollemnis and Verbum Supernum. Lauda Sion is the Sequence before the Gospel on Corpus Christi. The last two verses comprise the well known Bone pastor, panis vere.

A metrical translation by St. Robert Southwell. 

Southwell — a Jesuit priest who secretly ministered to Catholics in England who still clung to their faith - was eventually caught and, having suffered bravely for three years, became a martyr for Jesus Christ in 1595 A.D. 

Sequence for the Feast of Corpus ChristiTranslation by St. Robert Southwell
Lauda Sion salvatorem
Lauda ducem et pastorem,
In hymnis et canticis
Praise, O Sion! praise thy Saviour, 
Praise thy captain and thy pastor, 
With hymns and solemn harmony. 
Quantum potes, tantum aude:
Qui major omni laude,
Nec laudare, sufficis
What power affords perform indeed;
His worths all praises far exceed,
No praise can reach His dignity.
Laudis thema specialis,
Panis vivus et vitalis
Hodie proponitur.
A special theme of praise is read,
A living and life-giving bread,
Is on this day exhibited; 
Quem in sacrae mensa coenae,
Turbae fratrum duodenae
Datum non ambigitur.
Which in the supper of our Lord,
To twelve disciples at His board
None doubts was delivered.
Sit laus plena, sit sonora,
Sit jucunda, sit decora
Mentis jubilatio.
Let our praise be loud and free,
Full of joy and decent glee,
With minds’ and voices’ melody;
Dies enim solemnis agitur, 
In qua mensae prima recolitur
Hujus institutio. 
For now solemnise we that day,
Which doth with joy to us display
The prince of this mystery. 
In hac mensa novi Regis, 
Novum Pascha novae legis,
Phase vetus terminat.
At this board of our new ruler,
Of new law, new paschal order
The ancient rite abolisheth;
Vetustatem novitas, 
Umbram fugat veritas,
Noctem lux eliminat.
Old decrees be new annulled,
Shadows are in truths fulfilled,
Day former darkness finisheth. 
Quod in coena Christus gessit, 
Faciendum hoc expressit
In sui memoriam.
That at supper Christ performed,
To be done He straitly charged
For His eternal memory.
Docti sacris institutis,
Panem, vinum in salutis
Consecramus hostiam.
Guided by His sacred orders,
Bread and wine upon our altars
To saving host we sanctify.
Dogma datur christianis, 
Quod in carnem transit panis,
Et vinum in sanguinem.
Christians are by faith assured
That to flesh the bread is changed,
The wine to blood most precious.
Quod non capis, quod non vides,
Animosa firmat fides,
Praeter rerum ordinem.
That no wit nor sense conceiveth,
Firm and grounded faith believeth,
In strange effects not curious.
Sub diversis speciebus,
Signis tantum, et non rebus, 
Latent res eximiae. 
Under kinds two in appearance,
Two in show but one in substance,
Lie things beyond comparison;
Caro cibus, sanguis potus:
Manet tamen Christus totus
Sub utraque specie.
Flesh is meat, blood drink most heavenly,
Yet is Christ in each kind wholly,
Most free from all division.
Asumente non concisus, 
Non confractus, non divisus: 
Integer accipitur.
None that consumers doth rend Him,
None that takes Him doth divide Him,
Received He whole persevereth. 
Sumit unus, sumunt mille: 
Quantum isti, tantum ille:
Nec sumptus consumitur.
Be there one or thousands hosted,
One as much as all received 
He by no eating perisheth. 
Sumunt boni, sumunt mali: 
Sorte tamen inaequali,
Vitae vel interitus. 
Both the good and bad receive Him,
But effects are diverse in them,
True life or true destruction. 
Mors est malis, vita bonis: 
Vide paris sumptionis
Quam sit dispar éxitus.
Life to the good, death to the wicked,
Mark how both alike received
With far unlike conclusion. 
Fracto demum sacramento,
Ne vaciles, sed memento
Tantum esse sub fragmento, Quantum toto tegitur.
When the priest the host divideth, 
Know that in each part abideth 
All that the whole host covered.
Nulla rei fit scissura: 
Signi tantum fit fractura, 
Qua nec status, nec statura Signati minuitur.
Form of bread, not Christ is broken,
Not of Christ, but of His token,
Is state or stature altered. 
Ecce panis angelorum
Factus cibus viatorum: 
Vere panis filiorum, Non mittendus canibus. 
Angels’ bread made pilgrims’ feeding
Truly bread for children’s eating,
To dogs not to be offered. 
In figuris praesignatur, 
Cum Isaac immolatur, 
Agnus Paschae deputatur, Datur manna patribus. 
Signed by Isaac on the altar,
By the lamb and paschal supper,
And in the manna figured. 
Bone pastor, panis vere, 
Jesu, nostri miserere: 
Tu nos pasce, nos tuere, Tu nos bona fac videre 
In terra viventium.
Jesu, food and feeder of us,
Here with mercy feed and friend us,
Then grant in heaven felicity! 
Tu qui cuncta scis et vales, 
Qui nos pascis hic mortales: 
Tuos ibi commensales, 
Coheredes et sodales Fac sanctorum civium.
You know all things, can do all things, and feed us here on earth.
Make us Your guests in heaven, co-heirs with You and companions of heaven’s citizens. 

Amen. Alleluia. 

Ultima hominis felicitas est in contemplatione veritatis. - Saint Thomas Aquinas

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Thursday, April 19, 2018

Some thoughts ...

I saw this on one of the social apps I'm using ... a memory of something I saw and experienced, posted exactly 2 years ago. Many things have happened in between the picture (2015), my post (2016) and now (2018) ([!] like duh right!), but there are also things that haven't changed... like MOUNTAINS :D, Deo gratias et Mariae! 

Somewhere on the Great Saint Bernard Pass, oh... the mountain air
Anyway, just a compilation of my rest time reading: somehow as I sat to rest and read, the stuff that popped out, are links and that picture above, I want to keep in my long term memory: filed and retrieved when necessary, hence a note on this blog. 

part of something I'm interested in: my work in school

"The study, funded by the Fetzer Institute, included 14 Christian participants ranging in age from 24 to 76. They attended an Ignatian retreat based on the spiritual exercises developed by St. Ignatius Loyola who founded the Jesuits. Following a morning mass, participants spent most of the day in silent contemplation, prayer and reflection and attended a daily meeting with a spiritual director for guidance and insights. After returning, study subjects also completed a number of surveys which showed marked improvements in their perceived physical health, tension and fatigue. They also reported increased feelings of self-transcendence which correlated to the change in dopamine binding. [I want to read the actual paper but I am trying to get access ...]

“In some ways, our study raises more questions than it answers,” said Dr. Newberg. “Our team is curious about which aspects of the retreat caused the changes in the neurotransmitter systems and if different retreats would produce different results. Hopefully, future studies can answer these questions.”

"Those who had to leave the convent or seminary can likewise make this their prayer. Notice Zélie did not put down the religious state, which some people may be tempted to do after leaving, but she still held it in high regard even though it was not her calling. Notice also how she makes it very clear that she wishes to accomplish His holy Will, not her will which was likely to be a nun, but His. That needs to be our focus. Following a way we perceive is more perfect is not going to sanctify us if it is not God’s Will for us."

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Thursday, April 05, 2018

It's updated! :) “Blessed are they who hear the word of God, and keep it.” Luke 11:28

Sharing this link again - and it's constantly being updated! :))

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