Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal and St Catherine Laboure

O Mary conceived without sin, Pray for us those who have recourse to Thee!

Hello all!!!

I've just had enough of metabolism and regulation (yay its done and over) and am now moving on to singapore's history (tomorrow's paper). I'm surviving, with help from above I think =D I know, alright, please continue praying for me, thank you very much, and I know I can't wait for everything to be over, but it has to be on the 6th! its a long way more but I Thank God that at least He has given me the time to finish all revision on the heavy topics, AND that He has allowed me to survive through this day and at least I didn't forget much of what enzymes and what metabolites that I was so afraid I would forget. =)

Metabolism and Regulation has all gone in to show me that dearest God is almighty and powerful, will elaborate more when I finish on the 6th, but the intricacies of the pathways and the logic behind all the regulation has all only shown that evolution cannot hold true and it has shown also that dearest God is sincerely all endearing. He's so smart and I'm so nothing. =D He knows all and I know nothing. And I love Him very much.
Please Mother Mary, please help me, protect me, pray to Jesus for me. I love Thee!

Deo gratias et Mariae!

O Mary Conceived without Sin, Pray for us those who have recourse to Thee. Amen.

In manus tuas domine, commendo spiritum meum.

Jesu mitis et humilis corde, Fac cor nostrum secundum cor tuum.

Jesus, Mary, I love Thee, Save Souls!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

St Catherine of Alexandria

The Feast Day of St. Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr
Patron Saint of Philosophers

St. Catherine, an illustrious virgin of Alexandria in Egypt, was famous for her learning. The emperor Maximian assembled learned men to bring her to the worship of idols, but they were converted to Christianity. Maximian then ordered her to be beheaded after many cruel torments in 305.
-From the 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal

On this the day, on the occasion of her 20th Birthday, Rachel Anne Thérèse would like to offer her humble thanksgivings, for her whole life, to the Most Holy Trinity, to God the Father Almighty, to God the Son, Jesus, the Redeemer of the World, to God the Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit Fount of Love, to the Most Blessed Virgin her Mother, to her Angel and all Angels, especially Saint Michael the Archangel, to her patron Saints (here is a list of her favourite saints), especially Saint Joseph (Foster Father of Dearest Jesus), Anne (Mother of the Most Blessed Virgin), Thérèse (The Little Flower, a Great Saint), Elizabeth (Cousin of the Most Blessed Virgin), Pius X (Staunch Anti-Modernist, Pope), Padre Pio (The Stigmatist of our times), Maria Goretti (Virgin, Martyr for Purity), Thomas Aquinas (Patron of Students/Teachers/Educators), Francis De Sales (Patron of Writers), Don Bosco (Patron of Educators), Albert the Great (Patron of Scientists), Catherine of Alexandria (Patron of Philosophers), Alphonsus Ligouri (Doctor of the Church), Anthony of Padua (“Hammer of Heretics”), Ignatius of Loyola (AMDG and the Spiritual Exercises), Philip Neri (Great Lover of Jesus whose heart grew so big for love of the Almighty), Bernadette (Visionary at Lourdes, Incorrupt), Jerome (Doctor of the Church, Translator of the Latin Vulgate), Cecilia (Patron of Musicians), John of the Cross (Doctor of the Church and reformer of Carmel with St. Teresa of Avila), Benedict (Founder of western monasticism), John the Apostle (The Apostle whom Jesus loved), John the Baptist (Jesus's cousin - the "Elias" - the precursor), Francis Xavier (Missionary), Francis of Assisi (Seraphic Doctor) and to all the Saints in heaven for guiding her to spiritual salvation, for aiding her always in her wants and fancies, for everything that has happened and that will occur in her life!

She thanks God for giving her many many things, for all the trials and tribulations, all the Crosses, and also for all the graces and favors. She humbly asks Jesus to let her do what only He wills. She thanks God for her family, her close friends, her everything.
For she knows she is nothing without Him.

She consecrates her family and herself to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Most Immaculate Heart of Mary.

She asks you humbly, if you have the time, to please offer a small prayer for her intentions on this her birthday, Let us Storm the Heavens together! =)

1) For a very important special intention
2) For her family
3) For her close family and friends
4) For those who have asked for her prayers
5) For her coming exams on the 28th, 29th, 30th of November and 6th of December

She asks Jesus to bless all.

She thanks her Daddy, Mummy and her dearest Sister (nisey), her other family members, the dear spiritual fathers, her spiritual director, Uncle Clement, Aunty Magdalene, Angeline, Kenneth, her fellow brethren, and all very important others (a long list to name) that have helped her so very much, so far, in this her temporary sojourn on earth.

She asks all of whom she has made angry or whom she has displeased for forgiveness and she recommends herself to your prayers.

She thanks you for reading her blog and she asks you to pray for her.

Deo gratias et Mariae!

In manus tuas domine, commendo spiritum meum.

Jesu mitis et humilis corde, Fac cor nostrum secundum cor tuum.

Jesus, Mary, I love Thee, Save Souls!

Pray unceasingly!!!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Today's the Feast of the most beautiful presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Ah, very beautiful, this feast day and I thank Jesus and Mother Mary for everything today.
=) Deo volente, I hope everything will be alright.

and here's a beautiful representation of my heavenly patron, Saint Anne, bringing the Most Holy Virgin to the Temple. =)

As soon as she could walk, Mary was brought to the Temple by her holy parents, Joachim and Anne. With what an ecstasy of delight she must have entered into the Temple, crying out:
"How lovely are Thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts; my soul longeth and fainteth for the courts of the Lord."
(Ps. LXXXIII. 2-3.)

-From the 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal

How do I loathe the world, when I contemplate heaven!
(St. Ignatius Loyola.)

I thank Thee my dearest Lord for the most beautiful thing in this world - the Mass!
=) Ah, My Dearest Most Beautiful Lord, and He's yours too! =)

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.

Agnus Dei, qui tollis pecaata mundi, dona nobis pacem.


Here's also a beautiful meditation written by Saint Alphonsus de Ligouri in his book, the Passion and the Death of Jesus Christ:

Go forth, ye daughters of Sion, and behold King Solomon in his crown, wherewith his mother crowned him on the day of his espousals, and on the day of the joy of his heart. Cant. iii.II.

Go forth, ye souls redeemed, ye daughters of grace, go forth to see your gentle king, on the day of his death, the day of his joy, for thereon he made you his spouses, giving up his life upon the cross, crowned by the ungrateful synagogue, his mother, with a crown; not indeed one of honor, but one of suffering and shame: “Go forth,” says St. Bernard, “and behold your king in a crown of poverty and misery.”

O most beautiful of all mankind! O greatest of all monarchs! O most lovely of all spouses! To what a state do I see Thee reduced, covered with wounds and contempt! Thou art a spouse, but a spouse of blood: To me Thou art a spouse of blood. Exod. iv.25.; it being by means of Thy blood that Thou hast willed to espouse Thyself to our souls. Thou art a king, but a king of suffering and a king of love; it being by sufferings that Thou hast willed to gain our affections.

O most beloved spouse of my soul! Would that I were continually recalling to my mind how much Thou hast suffered for me, that so I might never cease to love and please Thee! Have compassion upon me, who have cost Thee so much. In requital for so many sufferings endured by Thee, Thou are content if I love Thee. Yes, I do love Thee, infinite loveliness, I love Thee above everything; yet it is but little that I love Thee. O my beloved Jesus! Give me more love, if Thou wouldst that I should love Thee more. I desire to have a very great love for Thee. So wretched a sinner as I am ought to have been burning in hell ever since the moment in which I first gravely offended Thee; but Thou hast borne with me even until this hour, because Thou dost not wish me to burn with that miserable fire, but with the blessed fire of Thy love. This thought, O God of my soul, sets me all in flame with the desire of doing all that I can to please Thee. Help me, O my Jesus; and since Thou hast done so much, complete the work, and make me wholly Thine.


O Holy Virgin, My Mother, protect me, pray to Jesus for me.

Deo gratias et Mariae!

In manus tuas domine, commendo spiritum meum.

Jesu mitis et humilis corde, Fac cor nostrum secundum cor tuum.

Jesus, Mary, I love Thee, Save Souls!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Traditional Catholic Monks of Papa Stronsay, Scotland

A must watch! =) here's the write up as pasted from the intro provided by trady on YouTube: Excerpt from a documentary series featuring the Transalpine Redemptorist monks of Papa Stronsay, Scotland - a congregation of traditionalist Catholic Fathers and Brothers of both Eastern and Western Rite from all over the world. The documentary was filmed in September 2003 and originally aired on Channel 4 (UK) in 2004.

The congregation was founded in 1988 by Fr Michael Mary and Fr Anthony Mary on the advice of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. Their aim was to found a new Redemptorist congregation which observed the original Rule of Saint Alphonsus and ignored the reforms adopted by modern Redemptorists following the Second Vatican Council.

The congregation moved from the Isle of Sheppy in Kent, England, to Papa Stronsay in 1999. The island was considered ideal because of its seclusion from the world and ancient connection with the monastic tradition. As well as producing their own newspaper, the monks raise their own cattle and sheep and they produce most of their own food.

For more information visit:
www.papastronsay.com ... (more)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Beautiful Pictures on the Ave Maria!

Dear all ye faithful readers of this tiny little weblog
in this big big but unfortunately temporary place we call earth, where we are but only pilgrims,

here are some very very beautiful pictures that tell the whole Hail Mary (Ave Maria) prayer in intimate detail.

I got these pictures only today from a close family friend via my emailbox. =)
As I opened this email, and if you know me personally, you would know that my countenance suddenly changed and I was sincerely in awe.

The pictures are sincerely so nice! ahhh!
=D, alright, I'm also very happy that I'm now left with only the big exams before the break! yay! Deo gratias et Mariae!
The Cold War UN Commission of Inquiry just ended today after hours and hours of painstaking preparation - that project was the first time our whole group spent eons of hours debating and formulating our argument. So tell me, if anyone of you might be interested, Was the Cold War really a war? =)

Anyway, here are the pictures:

In so far, these few pictures constitute the first half of the prayer we Catholics call the Ave Maria. If you are interested, the Latin translation is found at the bottom of this blog page. The first half of the Ave Maria can be explained using some scenes from the Gospel according to St Luke the evangelist. Here is the link:

Luke I: 26 (St Luke, Chapter One, please see Verse 26)

So beautiful the scene when the Archangel Gabriel announces to Dearest Mother Mary that she is to be the Mother of the Almighty. How must have the Archangel have felt, being entrusted with such an important mission, to convey the message to his Queen, that she was to be the first, most holy tabernacle of the Most High. How must have the Dearest Blessed Virgin have felt, in all her humility, that she was to be the Mother of God! As we are on this topic, here's something I wrote on the Angelus a few weeks ago. Ah! Dearest Mother Mary, the Co-Redemptrix, the Queen of Heaven and of earth! O, Mater Christi! =)

Here are the pictures for the second half of the Ave Maria:
(it so happens that I can't seem to upload the pictures successfully. When I can, I will post them all up properly. )

Till the next time then, In Christo et Mariae!
Jesus, Mary, I Love Thee, Save Souls!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

From my favourite saint, my heavenly patron .. St. Thérèse!

I'd like to take some time off my work to write a little on my favourite heavenly patron, Dearest Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, whose name was Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus and Holy Face.
I have a book on Saint Thérèse, providentially given to me by a very good priest,
it is titled St Thérèse of Lisieux By Those Who Knew Her edited and translated by Christopher O Mahony, its basically a compilation from testimonies submitted by various blessed people, who knew St Thérèse, taken from the process of her beatification. The whole book is a real treasure! especially on the Saint herself and insights on various aspects of her 24 year, most beautiful life on earth. =) Deo gratias et Mariae!

A question one can ask is: Why do I want to study a Saint's life so intimately?
The Answer that is given says this - and this is true wisdom: The Saints are definitely in heaven and they are there already because of their very saintly lives - they imitated Christ, and attained very high levels of perfection. Studying a Saint's life is like reading a score from which music is played and interpreted. The music here being how your life should be lived. A Saint's life is like a manuscript from which we can imitate and from which we can draw on the fruits of living a saintly life here on earth, so that we may, in our stead too, attain the very end that we were called to fufill, paradise for eternity, praising and loving God in saecula saeculorum.

Saint Thérèse in a popular representation.

Here's an excerpt from a testimony by Sister Marie-Joseph of the Cross, O.S.B. who was the maid and governess under the service of M. Guerin, St Thérèse's uncle, before she joined the Benedictine nuns of the Blessed Sacrament at Bayeaux. She was the 8th witness and she testified this on 12-15 December 1910.

"Shortly after her first communion, when she was about twelve, she used to talk to me about God: how good he was to those who loved him, the love he bore each of us individually. As I did not feel all that much love for him, and said as much to her, she explained that love was not a matter of what you felt but of practising virtue, and that we should always try to please God in the least of our actions, without any attempt to draw attention to ourselves."

When the witness, Marcelline, before she became a nun, told St Thérèse that she intended to become a nun, St Thérèse told her this:

"we must always Love God a great deal, and to prove that love we must make all the sacrifices he asks of us. Don't worry, I'll be praying for you. Love God so that you won't be too afraid of him; he is so kind, really! Remember too to pray for those who do not love him, so that we can convert many souls."

As such, love of God equates love of sacrifice. The true definition of love is:

Love = Sacrifice

Love and Sacrifice are 2 things so interconnected, they cannot be separated. If you say you love someone, you say that you are willing to give your life for that someone.

And, how beautiful that love is, so gentle, so warm, so tender, so infinite, that He would give up his life, hanging on something most disgusting, in order to bear the burden of our sins, our iniquities? And as I posted up a few months ago, in July,

-Whosoever on earth would endure all that, just to cleanse us of our iniquity?-

None other than the greatest love of All - Jesus.

I am now reminded of a paragraph I read some time ago in St Alphonsus Ligouri's book on The Passion and the Death of Jesus Christ.

(This is taken from Chapter 1: The Love of Jesus Christ in being willing to satisfy the Divine Justice for our sins.)


We read in history of a proof of love so prodigious that it will be the admiration of all ages.

There was once a king, lord of many kingdoms, who had one only son, so beautiful, so holy, so amiable, that he was the delight of his father, who loved him as much as himself. This young prince had a great affection for one of his slaves; so much so that, the slave having committed a crime for which he had been condemned to death, the prince offered himself to die for the slave; the father, being jealous of justice, was satisfied to condemn his beloved son to death, in order that the slave might remain free from the punishment that he deserved: and thus the son died a malefactor's death, and the slave was freed from punishment.

This fact, the like of which has never happened in this world, and never will happen, is related in the Gospels, where we read that the Son of God, the Lord of the universe, seeing that man was condemned to eternal death in punishment of his sins, chose to take upon himself human flesh, and thus to pay by his death the penalty due to man: He was offered because it was His own will - Isa. liii. 7.

And his Eternal Father caused him to die upon the cross to save us miserable sinners: He spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all. - Rom. viii.32 .

What dost thou think, O devout soul, of this love of the Son and of the Father?

Thou didst, then, O my beloved Redeemer, choose by Thy death to sacrifice Thyself in order to obtain the pardon of my sins. And what return of gratitude shall I then make to Thee? Thou hast done too much to oblige me to love Thee; I should indeed be most ungrateful to Thee if I did not love Thee with my whole heart. Thou hast given for me Thy divine life; I, miserable sinner that I am, give Thee my own life. Yes, I will at least spend that period of life that remains to me only in loving Thee, obeying Thee, and pleasing Thee.


St Alphonsus Ligouri's writings are fabulous!! =) don't you agree? =)

and here's a link to one of the books I was blogging about in my previous post, its a really really really good book! =)

The Mystical City of God by Venerable Mary of Agreda


Jesus, Mary, I love Thee, Save Souls!

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Deo gratias et Mariae!

I am very pleased to announce that I have finally survived 3 harrowing, back to back tortures (versailles, the economics of nation-building, piles and piles of metabolic pathways in metabolism and regulation) and have only 1 more (UN Commission of Inquiry on the Cold War) to go before the most harrowing of tortures! the examinations!! - alright, they were not as harrowing as I make them sound =D, and Deo volente, I hope everything will be alright.

Well, well, well, I feel like chattering non stop now, and the only thing that is stopping me is that I am quite alone now (which I quite like actually.. lol), surrounded by a dozen unfamiliar faces (except of course my Dearest Angel - not that I can see him - but that my dearest Guardian Angel and yours too is always beside you (sincerely, my best assistant in every single thing I've been doing - he's real great..) beside me now - probably laughing at me for being so crappy) well, all that explains why I haven't been on blogosphere for quite a few days and from this point on, till end Nov, I will be blogging sporadically because of the upcoming examinations. Don't worry I'll be back in full force once all the exams are settled and gone. =)
Please do pray for me! Ora pro me! Deo gratias!

I cannot wait for the exams to be over, then I can finally go back to doing all the things that I can't read/do when its term time and when there's back to back assignments/hw/readings/memorising to do. I don't have to tell you about temptations but, the struggle against picking up books like, The Mystical City of God by Venerable Mary of Agreda, over books like, Basic Medical Biochemistry, a Clinical Approach by Marks, Marks and Smith is sincerely overwhelming. Again, I over-exaggerate here, but sincerely, this is just to bring up the point that I can't wait, I can't wait and yes, I can't wait for Christmas, the time for the ever lovely carols and smiles, but more importantly, the time when the world - i hope - realises how great the love that the only God shows for his creation, in giving up his Son to us, to allowing his Son to be born into the human race - Oh! Dear baby Jesus, by the most perfect and Blessed Virgin Mother Mary, only to die on the most painful death of the cross to suffer for our iniquities. Contemplating the nativity is certainly very very beautiful. Let us go back in time, to that moment when Our dearest Saviour leaves the womb, the first tabernacle, of our Blessed Mother, the tiny baby, ever reliant on the Mother, but there's another side to this equation, even if Jesus was so reliant on Mother Mary, because He was a baby, everything else in the world, the donkeys, the lambs, the shepherds, the hay in the stable, the Angels, even Saint Joseph and Mother Mary herself was also dependent on Him. How beautiful it is to see that a God would want to do what He did for us! Deus caritas est!
Till the next time then!
God Bless all! =D
In Christo et Maria,

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Requiescant in pace.

How true are these words:

The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom


O! How tall is the man who kneels!

As taken from the last part of the Vespers for the Dead:

ANTIPHON: All that the Father giveth Me shall come to Me: and him that cometh to Me I will not cast out.

Pater noster ... (the rest silently)
(Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy Will be done on earth as well as is it in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread, forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.) ...

V. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem. (And lead us not into temptation.)

R. Sed libera nos a malo. (But deliver us from evil.)

V. A porta inferi. (From the gate of hell.)

R. Erue, Domine, animas eorum. (Deliver their souls, O Lord.)

V. Requiescant in pace. (May they rest in peace.)

R. Amen. (So be it.)

V. Domine, exaudi orationem meam. (O Lord, hear my prayer.)

R. Et clamor meus ad te veniat. (And let my cry come unto Thee.)

V. Dominus vobiscum. (The Lord by with you.)

R. Et cum spiritu tuo. (And with thy spirit.)

Oremus (Let us pray): O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful,
grant to the souls of Thy servants and handmaidens departed the remission of all their sins, that through pious supplications they may obtain that pardon which they have always desired: Who livest and reignest.

V. Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine. (Eternal rest give unto them, O Lord.)

R. Et lux perpetua luceat eis. (And let perpetual light shine upon them.)

V. Requiescant in pace.

R. Amen.
I'm not sure why, but to me, the Proper of the Mass of today is sincerely most beautiful. The chant was soul lifting, mesmerizing, and the Holy Sacrifice, so beautiful, so full of love.
The Dies Irae, so meaningful, so subtle, O Dearest Jesus, please free those eternal spouses of Thine, still tormented by the malice and fire of purgatory, so that they may be with Thee, rejoicing for eternity. O Dearest Mother Mary, pray to Jesus for us, for the Holy Souls in purgatory.
Jesus, Mary, I love Thee, Save Souls!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Feast of All Saints! - Happy Feast!

Be Glad and Rejoice, even in times of trial and temptation,
for your reward is very great in heaven!
Some food for thought from today's offertory. =)
Wisdom. 3:1-2,3
The souls of the just are in the hand of God,
and the torment of malice
shall not touch them:
in the sight of the unwise they seemed to die,
but they are in peace. Alleluia.