Tuesday, July 26, 2011

O Good Saint Anne!!!

Ora et labore! as St. Benedict said...

O Good saint Anne, teach me how to pray,
teach me as how you taught dear Mother Mary day by day

O Good saint Anne, teach me how to love,
teach me and guide me as how you would have with dearest Mother Mary

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
St. Anne
Mother of the Blessed Virgin
THE Hebrew word Anne signifies gracious.

St. Joachim and St. Anne, the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary, are justly honored in the church, and their virtue is highly extolled by St. John Damascene. The emperor Justinian I built a church at Constantinople in honor of St. Anne, about the year 550. Codinus mentions another built by Justinian II, in 705.

Her body was brought from Palestine to Constantinople in 710, whence some portions of her relics have been dispersed in the West. F. Cuper the Bollandist has collected a great number of miracles wrought through her intercession. God has been pleased by sensible effects to testify how much he is honored by the devotion of the faithful to this saint, who was the great model of virtue to all engaged in the married state, and charged with the education of children.

It was a sublime dignity and a great honor for this saint to give to a lost world the advocate of mercy and to be parent of the Mother of God. But it was a far greater happiness to be, under God, the greatest instrument of her virtue and to be spiritually her mother by a holy education in perfect innocence and sanctity St. Anne, being herself a vessel of grace--not by name only, but by the possession of that rich treasure--was chosen by God to form his most beloved spouse to perfect virtue; and her pious care of this illustrious daughter was the greatest means of her own sanctification and her glory in the church of God to the end of ages.

It is a lesson to all parents whose principal duty is the holy education of their children. By this they glorify their Creator, perpetuate his honor on earth to future ages, and sanctify their own souls.

St. Paul says that it is by the education of their children that parents are to be saved. Nor will he allow any one who has had children, ever to be admitted to serve the altar, whose sons do not, by their holy conduct, give proofs of a virtuous education. Nevertheless, we see parents solicitous about the corporal qualifications of their children, and earnest to procure them an establishment in the world; yet supinely careless in purchasing them virtue, in which alone their true happiness consists. This reflection drew tears from Crates, a heathen philosopher who desired to mount on the highest place in his city, and cry out, with all his strength, "Citizens, what is it you think of? You employ all your time in heaping up riches to leave to your children; yet take no care to cultivate their souls with virtue, as if an estate were more precious than themselves."
From "Butler's Lives of the Saints" on CD ROM (Harmony Media Inc.)
Sincerely in Christ,
Our Lady of the Rosary Library
"Pray and work for souls"

Deus propitius esto mihi peccatori.
Jesu mitis et humilis corde, Fac cor nostrum secundum Cor tuum. (ter)
Jesus, Mary, I love You; Save Souls!

Fide purificans corda


Monday, July 18, 2011

A Most Efficacious Prayer to Our Lady of Mount Carmel

A Most Efficacious Prayer to Our Lady of Mount Carmel
(Never Found to Fail)

O most beautiful Flower of Mount Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendour of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in this my necessity. (Mention your intention.)

O Star of the Sea, help me and show me herein that thou art my Mother.

O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech thee, from the bottom of my heart, to succour me in this necessity; there are none that can withstand thy power. O show me herein that thou art my mother.

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. (3 times)

Sweet Mother, I place this cause in thy hands. (3 times)

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Anne, Therese, I love You; Save Souls!

Deus propitius esto mihi peccatori.

Jesu mitis et humilis corde, Fac cor nostrum secundum Cor Tuum. (ter)


Our Lady of Mount Carmel & The Brown Scapular


Our Lady of Mt. Carmel


In the year 1241, the Baron de Grey of England was returning from the Crusades in Palestine:he brought back with him a group of religious from the holy mountain of Carmel. Upon arrival, the baron generously presented the monks with a manor house in the town of Aylesford. Ten years later, in the very place, there occurred the now famous apparition of Our Lady to St. Simon Stock. As the Holy Virgin handed St. Simon the Brown Woolen Scapular she spoke these words: "This shall be the privilege for you and all Carmelites, that anyone dying in this habit shall not suffer eternal fire." In time, the Church extended this magnificent privilege to all the laity who are willing to be invested in the Brown Scapular of the Carmelites, and who perpetually wear it.
Many Catholics are invested in the Brown Scapular at the time of their First Holy Communion; in the case of converts, the vesting concurs with their Profession of Faith. When a person is enrolled in the Confraternity of the Brown Scapular and vested in that tiny habit of brown wool, the priest says to him: Receive this blessed Scapular and ask the Most Holy Virgin that, by Her merits, it may be worn with no stain of sin and may protect you from all harm and bring you into everlasting life. The following true stories will give a brief idea of how Our Blessed Mother keeps Her promise.

A priest relates how one day in a town near Chicago he was called to the bedside of a man who had been away form the Sacrament for many years. "The man did not want to see me: he would not talk. Then I asked him to look at the little Scapular I was holding. 'Will you wear this if I put this on you?' I ask nothing more. He agreed to wear it and within the hour he wanted to go to confession and make his peace with God. This did not surprise me, because for 700 years Our Lady has been working in this way through Her Scapular."
On the very day Our Lady gave the Scapular to St. Simon, he was hurriedly called by Lord Peter of Linton: "Come quickly, Father, my brother is dying in despair!" St. Simon left at once for the bedside of the dying man. Upon arrival he placed his large Scapular over the dying man, asking Our Blessed Mother to keep Her promise. Immediately the man repented, and died in the grace and friendship of God. That night the dead man appeared to his brother and said, "I have been saved through the most powerful Queen and the Habit of that man as a shield."
St. Alphonsus tell us: "Modern heretics make a mockery of wearing the Scapular, they decry it as so much trifling nonsense." Yet many of the popes have approved and recommended it.
It is remarkable that only 25 years after the Scapular vision, Blessed Pope Gregory X was buried wearing the Scapular, when his tomb was opened 600 years after his death, his Scapular was found intact.

You will understand why the Devil works against those who promote the Scapular when you hear the story of Ven. Francis Ypes. One day his Scapular fell off. As he replaced it, the devil howled, "Take off the habit which snatches so many souls from us!"
Then and there Francis made the devil admit that there are three things which the demons are most afraid of: the Holy Name of Jesus, the Holy Name of Mary, and the Holy Scapular of Carmel. To that list we could add the Holy Rosary.

One day in 1944, a Carmelite missionary in the Holy Land was called to an internment camp in order to give the Last Rites. The Arab driver made the priest get off the bus four miles from the camp because the road was dangerously muddy. After two miles, the missionary found his feet sinking deeper and deeper into the mire. Trying to get solid footing he slipped into a muddy pool. Sinking to his death in this desolate place, he thought of Our Lady and Her Scapular. He kissed his great Scapular -- for he was wearing the full habit -- and looked toward the holy mountain of Carmel, the birthplace of devotion to God's Mother. He cried out, "Holy Mother of Carmel! Help me! Save me!" A moment later, he found himself on solid ground. Later he said, "I know I was saved by the Blessed Virgin through Her Brown Scapular. My shoes were lost in the mud, and I was covered with it, but I walked the remaining two miles praising Mary."

One of the most extraordinary of all Scapular incidents took place in the United States. It happened around the turn of the century in the town of Ashtabula, Ohio, that a man was cut in two but a train; he was wearing the Scapular. Instead of dying instantly, as would be expected he remained alive and conscious for 45 minutes -- just enough time until a priest could arrive to administer the Last Sacraments. These, and other such incidents, tell us that Our Blessed Mother will take personal care of us in the hour of our death. So great and powerful a Mother is Mary that She will never fail to keep the Scapular contract, i.e. to see that we die in God's grace.

During the Spanish civil war in the 1930s, seven Communists were sentenced to death because of their crimes. A Carmelite priest tries to prepare the men for death; they refused. As a last resort, he brought the men cigarettes food and wine, assuring them that he would not talk religion, in a short while they were all friendly, so he asked them for one small favor: "Will you permit me to place a Scapular on each of you?" six agreed, one refused. Soon all Scapular wearers went to confession. The seventh continues to refuse. Only to please them he put on the Scapular, he would do nothing more. Morning came, and as the time of the execution came near, the seventh man made it clear that he was not going to ask for a priest. Although wearing the Scapular he was determined to go to his death an enemy of God. Finally, the command was given, the firing squad did its deadly work, and seven lifeless bodies lay sprawled in the dust. Mysteriously a Scapular was found approximat! ely 50 paces from the bodies. Six men died WITH Mary's Scapular; the seventh died Without the Scapular. St. Claude gives us the solution to the mystery of the missing Scapular: "You ask; what if I desire to die in my sins?" I answer, "Then you will die in your sins but YOU WILL NOT DIE IN YOUR SCAPULAR." St. Claude tells the story of a man who tried to drown himself three times. He was rescued against his will. At last he realized that he was wearing his Scapular. Determined to take his life, he tore the Scapular from his neck and leaped into the water. Without Mary's protective garment he accomplished his wish and died in his sins.

In wearing the Scapular at all times we make silent petition for the Blessed Mother's continual assistance. We share in all the prayers and good works of the Carmelite Scapular Confraternity throughout the world. Pope Pius XII often spoke of the Scapular. On the 700th anniversary of the appearance of Our Lady to St. Simon Stock, Pope Pius XII referred to the Scapular as "the sign of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary". The Scapular also represents the sweet yoke of Jesus Christ, which Mary helps us to bear. And finally, the pope continued, the Scapular marks us as one of Mary's chosen children, and becomes for us (as the Germans call it) a "Garment of Grace". St. Claude tells us, "Of all the pious practices which have inspired the faithful to honor the Mother of God, there is none so sure as that of the Scapular. No other devotion has been confirmed by so many and such extraordinary miracles."
As we mentioned above, during the Scapular Anniversary celebration in Rome in 1951, Pope Pius XII told a very large audience to wear the Brown Scapular as a sign of consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Our Lady asked for this consecration in the last apparition at Fatima, when She appeared as Our Lady of Mount Carmel, holding the Brown Scapular out to the whole world. It was Her last moving appeal to souls to wear Her Scapular as a sign of consecration to Her Immaculate Heart.


The Scapular is a habit -- Our Lady's habit. The Scapular must be worn over the shoulders in such a manner that one part hangs in front of the body and the other at the back. Worn in any other way, it carries no indulgence or promise. It is not necessary to wear the Scapular next to the skin. Many Catholics may not know it is the wish of the Holy Father the Pope, that the Scapular Medal should not be worn in place of the Cloth Scapular without sufficient reason.

Mary cannot be pleased with anyone who substitutes the medal out of vanity, or out of fear of making open profession of faith. Such persons run the risk of not receiving the Promise. The medal has never been noted for any of the miraculous preservations attributed to the Brown Cloth Scapular.
The above are excerpts from "Garment of Grace" (http://olrl.org/books/garment_grace.shtml), an excellent 48 page booklet (English or Spanish) available from OLRL for $1.25.
Available also are Brown Scapulars (http://olrl.org/sacramental/brownscapular.shtml) and
"The Rosary, The Brown Scapular and the Sabbatine Privilege" brochure for 5 cents ea. (http://olrl.org/pray/rosary.shtml).
Visit our Store (http://olrl.org/mm5/merchant.mvc) for these and all the items we offer.
Sincerely in Christ,
Our Lady of the Rosary Library
"Pray and work for souls"

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

St Therese of Liseux from the Story of a Soul, Her Autobiography

Here is one of my most favourite pictures of St Therese, my patron. She is working, washing clothes with the other nuns (if I am not wrong, next to her is her sister) - and - she is a saint! A Saint washes clothes: JUST LIKE US!

"My God, Thou knowest that I have ever desired to love Thee alone. It has been my only ambition. Thy love has gone before me, even from the days of my childhood. It has grown with my growth, and now it is an abyss whose depths I cannot fathom." ~ St. Therese of Lisieux, .
