Adapted from Saint Catherine Labouré of the Miraculous Medal by Joseph I. Dirvin, C.M.
The great apparitions of Virgin Mary by St Catherine Labouré: For these was she born, for these came she into the world, even as Christ came to bear witness to the truth. They are the reason for her being and the wellspring of her holiness. The years of sanctity that went before them, the years of sanctity that followed after, cluster about them like a setting about a gem. Not that St Catherine Labouré was holy because she saw the Blessed Virgin; she was holy because she was faithful to the mission given her to do. God's plan for her life and sanctification was: that she should cultivate a deep devotion to the Mother of God; that she should receive, at first hand, important instructions from this great Lady; that she should carry out these instructions to the letter; and, while doing all this, she should remain hidden, living an ordinary religious life in doing ordinary religious works.
All the graces given her by God worked to this end. St Catherine Labouré corresponded to every grace; she did what was expected of her and did it well. This is why she is a saint.
St Catherine Labouré, please help us all to be able to do what God expects of us, what He wills of us, what He wants to us do. Please help us to ask our Dearest Mother to intercede for us, to shower upon us graces we ought to have asked her. Please help us. Please help us make our way to heaven to be with you and all the Angels and Saints with Jesus and Mary. St Catherine Labouré, ora pro nobis. Amen.
St Catherine Labouré's Incorrupt Body |
Our Blessed Mother appears to St Catherine Labouré when she was a novice |
St Catherine Labouré (Zoé) |
St Catherine Labouré and the Miraculous Medal |
St Catherine Labouré's Incorrupt Body for veneration by faithful |
Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Anne, Therese, I love You; Save Souls!
Jesu mitis et humilis Corde, Fac cor nostrum secundum Cor tuum. (ter)
Deus propitius esto mihi peccatori.
Labels: Miraculous Medal, St Catherine Labouré