Sunday, February 03, 2019

Prayer of Rev. Cyrillus a Matre Dei

the first and most devoted venerator of the Miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague

Jesus, unto Thee I flee, 
Through Thy Mother praying Thee
In my need to succour me.
Truly, I believe of Thee
God Thou art with strength to shield me ; 
Full of trust, I hope of Thee
Thou Thy grace wilt give to me. 
All my heart I give to Thee, 
Therefore, do my sins repent me;
From them breaking, I beseech Thee,
Jesus, from their bonds to free me. 
Firm my purpose is to mend me;
Never more will I offend Thee. 
Wholly unto Thee I give me,
Patiently to suffer for Thee,
Thee to serve eternally.
And my neighour like to me
I will love for love of Thee. 
Little Jesus, I beseech Thee,
In my need to succour me,
That with Joseph and Mary 
And the angels, I may Thee
Once enjoy eternally. 


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