Nothing is more founded on reason, nothing is more conformed to the
doctrines of the Faith than the adoration of the Heart of Our Lord Jesus
The heart of Jesus is what there is most profound in creation. It is the
noblest part of the holy human nature of the Word made Flesh. In our very
physical nature, the heart is everything: when it functions in an irregular
manner, life is in danger; when it ceases to beat man immediately ceases to
live. Likewise in the moral order: it is through the heart that we are
something. It is the heart which gives to thoughts, to actions, to
intentions, their value, good or bad. The good is what comes out of the
good treasure of our heart (Lk.6:45). What constitutes evil is the bad
dispositions of the heart (Mt.15:19). Also, while the eye of man takes hold
and fixes on exterior appearances, God looks only at the heart (1Kgs.16:7).
In the language of all peoples . . ., the heart has always signified
courage, virtue, and especially love. After the grave has snatched away a
cherished being from us, we believe that we still hold him completely if we
possess his heart. This part, separate from the rest of the body, seems to
remain essential.
Cardinal Pie
From OEuvres Sacerdotales du Cardinal Pie, Choix de Sermons et
de 1839 A 1849
["Homily for the Closing of a Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus," VI,
Deus propitius esto mihi peccatori.
Jesus, Mary, I love You; Save Souls!
Jesu mitis et humilis corde, Fac cor nostrum secundum Cor tuum. (ter)
[picture above shows Jesus appearing to St Margaret Mary Alacoque at Paray-le-monial]
Labels: June - Month of the Sacred Heart