Thursday, November 16, 2006

Traditional Catholic Monks of Papa Stronsay, Scotland

A must watch! =) here's the write up as pasted from the intro provided by trady on YouTube: Excerpt from a documentary series featuring the Transalpine Redemptorist monks of Papa Stronsay, Scotland - a congregation of traditionalist Catholic Fathers and Brothers of both Eastern and Western Rite from all over the world. The documentary was filmed in September 2003 and originally aired on Channel 4 (UK) in 2004.

The congregation was founded in 1988 by Fr Michael Mary and Fr Anthony Mary on the advice of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. Their aim was to found a new Redemptorist congregation which observed the original Rule of Saint Alphonsus and ignored the reforms adopted by modern Redemptorists following the Second Vatican Council.

The congregation moved from the Isle of Sheppy in Kent, England, to Papa Stronsay in 1999. The island was considered ideal because of its seclusion from the world and ancient connection with the monastic tradition. As well as producing their own newspaper, the monks raise their own cattle and sheep and they produce most of their own food.

For more information visit: ... (more)


Blogger Unknown said...

Fr. Michael Mary and Fr. Anthony Mary came to Post Falls a few years ago and gave a series of very powerful sermons. When I compare their sermons, ranging from the very real terror of hell to the hope of heaven and the confindence of heavenly help, to the ambiguous, feel-good sermons of the novus ordo priests I've heard, I wonder if novus ordo-ites know what they are missing!

4:11 AM, November 19, 2006  
Blogger rachelanne said...

ah, yes! let us pray for all of them. =D (Let us Storm the Heavens!)

And, there WAS a huge difference in sermons when I went over to tradition! a real spiritual renewal. =)

In Christo et Mariae!

9:36 PM, November 21, 2006  

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