Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Beautiful Pictures on the Ave Maria!

Dear all ye faithful readers of this tiny little weblog
in this big big but unfortunately temporary place we call earth, where we are but only pilgrims,

here are some very very beautiful pictures that tell the whole Hail Mary (Ave Maria) prayer in intimate detail.

I got these pictures only today from a close family friend via my emailbox. =)
As I opened this email, and if you know me personally, you would know that my countenance suddenly changed and I was sincerely in awe.

The pictures are sincerely so nice! ahhh!
=D, alright, I'm also very happy that I'm now left with only the big exams before the break! yay! Deo gratias et Mariae!
The Cold War UN Commission of Inquiry just ended today after hours and hours of painstaking preparation - that project was the first time our whole group spent eons of hours debating and formulating our argument. So tell me, if anyone of you might be interested, Was the Cold War really a war? =)

Anyway, here are the pictures:

In so far, these few pictures constitute the first half of the prayer we Catholics call the Ave Maria. If you are interested, the Latin translation is found at the bottom of this blog page. The first half of the Ave Maria can be explained using some scenes from the Gospel according to St Luke the evangelist. Here is the link:

Luke I: 26 (St Luke, Chapter One, please see Verse 26)

So beautiful the scene when the Archangel Gabriel announces to Dearest Mother Mary that she is to be the Mother of the Almighty. How must have the Archangel have felt, being entrusted with such an important mission, to convey the message to his Queen, that she was to be the first, most holy tabernacle of the Most High. How must have the Dearest Blessed Virgin have felt, in all her humility, that she was to be the Mother of God! As we are on this topic, here's something I wrote on the Angelus a few weeks ago. Ah! Dearest Mother Mary, the Co-Redemptrix, the Queen of Heaven and of earth! O, Mater Christi! =)

Here are the pictures for the second half of the Ave Maria:
(it so happens that I can't seem to upload the pictures successfully. When I can, I will post them all up properly. )

Till the next time then, In Christo et Mariae!
Jesus, Mary, I Love Thee, Save Souls!


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