A Visit to Mother Mary

What relief do I feel in my miseries, and what consolation in my tribulations, what strength do I not find in the midst of temptations, when I remember and call thee to my aid, O my most sweet and most holy Mother Mary! Yes, indeed, you were right, O ye saints, in calling my Lady “the haven of those who are in tribulation,” (Portus vexatorum) with St. Ephrem; “the repairer of our calamities,” (Restauratio calamitatum nostrarum) and “the solace of the miserable,” (Solatium miserorum) with St. Bonaventure; and “the rest from our mournings,” (Requies gemituum nostrorum) with St. Germanus. My own Mary, do thou console me. I see myself loaded with ins, and surrounded by enemies; without virtue, and cold in my love towards God. Comfort me, comfort me; and let my consolation be to make me begin a new life – a life which will be really pleasing to thy Son and to thee.
Ejaculatory prayer: Change me, O Mary, my Mother: change me; thou canst do it.
O Mary, how lovely is the name given to thee by thy faithful servants: most amiable Mother. (Mater amabilis) Yes, thou art truly amiable: thy beauty and thy goodness have won the heart of the King of kings, even of God himself. He has said to thee, How beautiful thou art, my beloved; and again, Thou art all beautiful, and there is no spot in thee. (Concupivit Rex speciem tuam. Quam pulchra es, Amica mea! Quam pulchra es! – Tota pulchra es, Amica mea, et macula non est in te. – Cant. iv. 1,7) If, then, thou art so dear to God, how can I a miserable sinner, and indebted to thee for so many benefits, refuse to love thee? I love Thee, therefore, my most amiable Queen, and I desire to be of the number of thy most devoted lovers. Accept my desire, and obtain for me from God the love which I ask, since nothing is more pleasing to him than to love thee.
Ejaculatory prayer: O my amiable Mother, grant that I may love thee with the greatest ardor.
Labels: THe Holy Eucharist by St. Alphonsus Maria de Ligouri
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