Monday, March 19, 2007

Sancte Joseph! Ite ad Joseph!

Happy FEAST of Saint Joseph!

The Hymn from the First Vespers on the Feast of Saint Joseph:

Joseph, pure Spouse of that immortal Bride
Who shines in ever-virgin glory bright,
Through all the Christian climes thy praise be sung,
Through all the realms of light.

Thee, when amazed concern for thy betrothed
Had filled thy righteous spirit with dismay,
An angel visited, and, with blest words,
Scattered thy fears away.

Thine arms embraced thy Maker newly born;
With Him to Egypt’s desert didst thou flee;
Him in Jerusalem didst seek and find;
Oh grief, oh joy for thee!

Not until after death their blissful crown
Others obtain; but unto thee was given
In thine own lifetime to enjoy thy God,
As do the blest in heaven.

Grant us, great Trinity, for Joseph’s sake,
Unto the starry mansions to attain;
There, with glad tongues,
Thy praise to celebrate
In one eternal strain. Amen.

V. He appointed him lord of his house.
R. And ruler of all His possessions.

The Gradus Passionis - Steps of the Passion
(a blogpost I posted last year - I remember, it was during the finals of the world cup 06: Forza Italia! :))

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Blogger dave said...

O Saint Joseph teach me(us) how to work better. If there are gaps in my(our) professional formation that need be filled, please hastily obtain for me(us) such help that I(we) may become competent and work hard to foster the kingdom of God on earth. Amen.

Provide for us O St. Joseph all other things that I(we) might need, especially those that I(we) am not aware of. You are such a good father. May you always be honored universally! Amen.

5:23 PM, April 11, 2012  

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