Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Fide purificans corda

Taken from: Letters to A Mother On Faith, Twelve letters from a Priest to a Mother, by Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Marie André

Faith is the adhesion of our spirit to the truth revealed by God. It is a good which does not derive from our nature but which is given to it from above in order to heal it. Faith is essentially purifying. Fide purificans corda – purifying hearts by faith (Acts 15:9). It enlightens the spirit, cleanses it of errors. It straightens the fallen man, places him again in the way of God. It lays the basis for the work of salvation; it leads man towards all good. Faith is mainly fortifying. Confortatus fide – he was strengthened in faith (Rom. 4:2). And again: Fide stas – thou standest by faith (Rom. 1:20). Faith gives life: The just man liveth by faith, says St. Paul again (Gal. 3:11).

If religious feeling leaves us as cold as stone for our Lord Jesus Christ, it is not so with faith. Faith makes Him present, living in our hearts: Christum habitare per fidem in cordibus vestris – that Christ may dwell by faith in your hearts (Eph. 3:17). Faith is the principle of a new world regenerated in Jesus Christ our Lord. Faith is the light, herald of the eternal splendors where we shall see God. Faith is the mother of holy hope and of divine charity. Faith is, on earth, the pure source of all true consolations. It is St. Paul again who tells us so: Simul consolari per eam quae invicem est, fidem vestram atque meam – that I may be comforted together in you by that which is common to us both, your faith and mine (Rom. 1:12). Among those who speak of faith, Mother, St. Paul is the incomparable master. I take one last word from him to finish this letter to you: Saluta eos qui nos amant in fide – Salute them that love us in the faith (Titus 3:15).

Nec fides sine operibus, nec opera adjuvant sine fide. – Faith without works, or, works without faith, are of no avail.
- St. Gregory the Great

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Anne, Therese, I love You; Save Souls!


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